Corum returned to his apartments where his arms and his armour had been laid out for him (Корум вернулся в свои покои, где оружие и доспехи были выложены = приготовлены для него). The armour was unfamiliar, consisting of breastplate, backplate, greaves and a kilt (доспехи были непривычными/необычными, состояли из нагрудной и спинной пластин, ножных лат и килта; kilt — килт /короткая юбка в складку или плед вокруг бедер — национальная одежда мужчин в Шотландии/) all made from the pearly blue shells of a sea creature called the anufec (все было сделано из перламутрово-синих раковин морского существа, называемого ануфек), which had once inhabited the waters of the West (которое когда-то населяло воды запада). The shell was stronger than the toughest iron and lighter than any byrnie (раковина была крепче, чем самый крепкий металл, и легче, чем любая кольчуга; tough — крепкий, негнущийся). A great, spined helmet with a jutting peak (большой, шипастый шлем с /одним/ выступающим острием) had, like the helmets of the other warriors of Moidel's Castle, been manufactured from the shell of the giant murex (был, как и шлемы остальных воинов замка Мойдел, изготовлен из раковины гигантского моллюска).

pearly [`pq: lI] toughest [`tAfIst] manufactured [, mxnju`fxkCqd]

Corum returned to his apartments where his arms and his armour had been laid out for him. The armour was unfamiliar, consisting of breastplate, backplate, greaves and a kilt all made from the pearly blue shells of a sea creature called the anufec, which had once inhabited the waters of the West. The shell was stronger than the toughest iron and lighter than any byrnie. A great, spined helmet with a jutting peak had, like the helmets of the other warriors of Moidel's Castle, been manufactured from the shell of the giant murex.

Servants helped Corum don his gear (слуги помогли Коруму надеть доспехи; gear — одежда; вещи, имущество) and they gave him a huge iron broadsword that was so well balanced (и дали ему огромный железный палаш: «широкий клинок», который был так хорошо сбалансирован) that he could hold it in his one good hand (что Корум мог держать его одной здоровой рукой). His shield, which he had them strap to his handless arm (его щит, который ему пристегнули к руке без кисти; to strap — стягивать ремнем; закреплять), was the shell of a massive crab which had once lived, the servants told him (был панцирем = сделан из панциря огромного краба, который когда-то обитал, /как/ слуги сказали ему), in a place far beyond even Lywm-an-Esh and known as the Land of the Distant Sea (в месте далеко за пределами даже Лиум-ан-Эш, известном как Край Дальнего моря). This armour had belonged to the dead Margrave who had inherited it from his ancestors (эти доспехи принадлежали покойному маркграфу, который унаследовал их от своих предков) who had owned it long before it had been considered necessary to establish a Margravate at all (владевших ими задолго до того, как вообще посчитали необходимым основать маркграфство).

Corum called to Rhalina as he was prepared for battle (Корум окликнул Ралину, когда был готов к битве), but although he could see her through the doors dividing the chambers (но, хотя он мог видеть ее через /открытые/ двери, разделявшие комнаты), she did not look up from her papers (она не подняла глаз от своих бумаг). It was the last of the Margrave's manuscripts and it seemed to absorb her more than the others (это была последняя из рукописей маркграфа, и, казалась, /она/ поглотил ее больше, чем остальные).

inherited [In`herItId] ancestor [`xnsqstq] necessary [`nesIs (q) rI]

Servants helped Corum don his gear and they gave him a huge iron broadsword that was so well balanced that he could hold it in his one good hand. His shield, which he had them strap to his handless arm, was the shell of a massive crab which had once lived, the servants told him, in a place far beyond even Lywm-an-Esh and known as the Land of the Distant Sea. This armour had belonged to the dead Margrave who had inherited it from his ancestors who had owned it long before it had been considered necessary to establish a Margravate at all.

Corum called to Rhalina as he was prepared for battle, but although he could see her through the doors dividing the chambers, she did not look up from her papers. It was the last of the Margrave's manuscripts and it seemed to absorb her more than the others.

Corum left to return to the battlements (Корум вышел, чтобы вернуться на стену).

Save for the fact that Glandyth's chariot was now on the approach to the causeway (кроме того /факта/, что колесница Гландита была теперь на подступе к дамбе = у самой дамбы; approach — приближение; подход, подступ), the ranks of the warriors had not shifted (ряды воинов не переместились). The little broken corpse of the Brown Man of Laahr still lay on the causeway (маленький изувеченный труп мохнатого человека из Лаара по-прежнему лежал на дамбе).

The drum had begun to beat again (барабан начал бить снова).

`Why do they not advance (почему они не атакуют; to advance — продвигаться вперед; наступать)? Beldan said, his voice sharp with tension (его голос был резким от напряжения).

`Perhaps for a twofold reason (возможно, /тому/ две причины; twofold — двойной, двойственный; двоякий), Corum replied (ответил Корум). `They are hoping to terrify us and banish the terror in themselves (они надеются запугать нас и прогнать страх в себе = свой страх; to banish — изгонять, прогонять).

corpse [kLps] advance [qd`vRns] twofold [`tHfquld] terrify [`terIfaI]

Corum left to return to the battlements.

Save for the fact that Glandyth's chariot was now on the approach to the causeway, the ranks of the warriors had not shifted. The little broken corpse of the Brown Man of Laahr still lay on the causeway.

The drum had begun to beat again.

`Why do they not advance? Beldan said, his voice sharp with tension.

`Perhaps for a twofold reason, Corum replied. `They are hoping to terrify us and banish the terror in themselves.

`They are terrified of us (/неужели/ они нас боятся)?

`The Pony Tribesmen probably are (племена на пони — возможно). After all, they have, as you told me yourself, lived in superstitious fear of the folk of Lywm-an-Esh for centuries (в конце концов, они, как ты сам говорил мне, жили веками в суеверном страхе перед народом Лиум-ан-Эш). They doubtless suspect we have supernatural means of defence (они, несомненно, полагают, что у нас есть сверхъестественные средства защиты).

Beldan could not restrain an ironic grin (Белдан не смог сдержать иронической усмешки).

`You begin to understand the Mabden at last, Prince Corum (ты начинаешь понимать мабденов наконец, принц Корум). Better than I, it seems (лучше /даже/, чем я, кажется).

Corum gestured towards Glandyth-a-Krae (Корум указал в сторону Гландита-а-Краэ; to gesture — жестикулировать; указывать направление /движения/).

superstitious [, s (j) Hpq`stISqs] defence [dI`fens] ironic [aI`rOnIk] gestured [`GesCqd]

`They are terrified of us?

`The Pony Tribesmen probably are. After all, they have, as you told me yourself, lived in superstitious fear of the folk of Lywm-an-Esh for centuries. They doubtless suspect we have supernatural means of defence.

Beldan could not restrain an ironic grin.

`You begin to understand the Mabden at last, Prince Corum. Better than I, it seems.

Corum gestured towards Glandyth-a-Krae.

`There is the Mabden who gave me my first lesson (вон мабден, который дал мне мой первый урок).

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