to fling).

Corum shuddered when he recognised it (Корум вздрогнул, когда узнал предмет).

recruiting [rI`krHtIN] floor [flL] above [q`bAv]

Corum listened to the tide drawing back. Now the causeway was completely exposed.

`He must have followed me, learned where I was and spent the winter recruiting and training those warriors, Corum said.

`But how did he discover your hiding place? Beldan said.

For answer, the ranks of the Pony Tribes opened and Glandyth drove his chariot down towards the causeway. He bent and picked something from the floor of his chariot, raised it above his head and flung it over the backs of his horses to fall upon the causeway.

Corum shuddered when he recognised it.

Beldan stiffened and stretched out his hand to grasp the stone of the battlement, lowering his head (Белдан застыл и протянул руку, чтобы схватиться за камни стены, опуская голову; to stiffen — застывать, затвердевать; делать/ся/ негибким).

`Is it the Brown Man, Prince Corum (это мохнатый человек, принц Корум)?

`It is (да).

`The creature was so innocent (существо было таким невинным). So kind (таким добрым). Could not its master save it (разве не мог хозяин спасти его)? They must have tortured it to get the information concerning your whereabouts (они, должно быть, пытали его, чтобы получить сведения о твоем местонахождении = узнать, где ты скрываешься) …

Corum straightened his back (Корум выпрямился: «выпрямил спину»). His voice was soft and cold when he spoke next (его голос был тихим и холодным, когда он произнес следующее):

`I once told your mistress that Glandyth was a disease that must be stopped (я однажды сказал твоей госпоже, что Гландит — болезнь, которая должна быть остановлена; to tell). I should have sought him out sooner, Beldan (мне следовало найти его раньше, Белдан; to seek out).

innocent [`Inqs (q) nt] straightened [`streItnd] disease [dI`zJz]

Beldan stiffened and stretched out his hand to grasp the stone of the battlement, lowering his head.

`Is it the Brown Man, Prince Corum?

`It is.

`The creature was so innocent. So kind. Could not its master save it? They must have tortured it to get the information concerning your whereabouts…

Corum straightened his back. His voice was soft and cold when he spoke next:

`I once told your mistress that Glandyth was a disease that must be stopped. I should have sought him out sooner, Beldan.

`He would have killed you (он бы убил тебя).

`But he would not have killed the Brown Man of Laahr (но он не убил бы мохнатого человека из Лаара). Serwde would still be serving his sad master (Сервд по-прежнему служил бы своему печальному хозяину). I think there is a doom upon me, Beldan (думаю, на мне проклятие, Белдан; doom — рок, судьба; приговор). I think I am meant to be dead and that all those who help me to continue living are doomed also (думаю, я должен умереть, и все те, кто помогает мне продолжать жить = выжить, обречены также; to mean — намереваться; предназначать/ся/). I will go out now and fight Glandyth alone (я выйду сейчас и сражусь в одиночку с Гландитом). Then the castle will be saved (тогда замок будет спасен).

Beldan swallowed and spoke hoarsely (Белдан сглотнул и сказал хрипло).

`We chose to help you (мы решили помочь тебе; to choose — выбирать, решать/ся/). You did not ask for that help (ты не просил об этой помощи). Let us choose when we shall take back that help (позволь нам решить, когда мы должны взять обратно эту помощь = отказаться от помощи).

`No. For if you do, the Margravine and all her people will surely perish (потому что если вы сделаете = поможете мне, маркграфиня и все ее люди непременно погибнут).

continue [kqn`tInjH] swallowed [`swOlqud] hoarsely [`hLslI]

`He would have killed you.

`But he would not have killed the Brown Man of Laahr. Serwde would still be serving his sad master. I think there is a doom upon me, Beldan. I think I am meant to be dead and that all those who help me to continue living are doomed also. I will go out now and fight Glandyth alone. Then the castle will be saved.

Beldan swallowed and spoke hoarsely.

`We chose to help you. You did not ask for that help. Let us choose when we shall take back that help.

`No. For if you do, the Margravine and all her people will surely perish.

`They will perish anyway (они погибнут во всяком случае), Beldan told him.

`Not if I let Glandyth take me (нет, если я позволю Гландиту захватить себя = если сдамся).

`Glandyth must have offered the Pony Tribes this castle as a prize if they would assist him (Гландит, должно быть, предложил племенам на пони этот замок в качестве награды, если они помогут ему), Beldan pointed out (заявил Белдан; to point out — указывать, обращать внимание; выделять).

`They do not care about you (ты им не нужен; to care about — заботиться; беспокоиться, тревожиться). They wish to destroy and loot something that they have hated for centuries (они желают уничтожить и разграбить то, что ненавидели веками). Certainly it is likely that Glandyth would be content with you (конечно, вероятно, что Гландит ограничится тобой; to be content with — довольствоваться) — he would go away (он уйдет) — but he would leave his thousand swords behind (но он оставит тысячу мечей). We must all fight together, Prince Corum (мы должны сражаться все вместе, принц Корум). There is nothing else for it now (больше не на что надеяться).

century [`senCqrI] content [kqn`tent] else [els]

`They will perish anyway, Beldan told him.

`Not if I let Glandyth take me.

`Glandyth must have offered the Pony Tribes this castle as a prize if they would assist him, Beldan pointed out.

`They do not care about you. They wish to destroy and loot something that they have hated for centuries. Certainly it is likely that Glandyth would be content with you — he would go away — but he would leave his thousand swords behind. We must all fight together, Prince Corum. There is nothing else for it now.

CHAPTER ELEVEN (глава одиннадцатая)

The Summoning (заклятие)

summon — вызывать /в суд/; призывать /волю, силы и т. д. /

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