the magic of veiled thoughts that mightbe blended by the outer light,drowned in the noise of day, unheard…take in their song and speak no word.<Январь 1944>
Love at the closing of our daysis apprehensive and very tender.Glow brighter, brighter, farewell raysof one last love in its evening splendor.Blue shade takes half the world away:through western clouds alone some light is slanted.О tarry, О tarry, declining day,enchantment, let me stay enchanted.The blood runs thinner, yet the heartremains as ever deep and tender.О last belated love, thou arta blend of joy and of hopeless surrender.<Январь 1944>
Now the ashen shadows mingle,tints are faded, sounds remote.Life has dwindled to a singlevague reverberating note.In the dusk I hear the hummingof a moth I cannot see.Whence is this oppression coming?I'm in all, and all's in me.Gloom so dreamy, gloom so lulling,flow into my deepest deep,flow, ambrosial and dulling,steeping everything in sleep.With oblivion's obscurationfill my senses to the brim,make me taste obliteration,in this dimness let me dim.<Осень 1944>
When sacred Night sweeps heavenward, she takesthe glad, the winsome day, and folding it,rolls up its golden carpet that had beenspread over an abyssmal pit.Gone vision-like is the external world,and man, a homeless orphan, has to facein utter helplessness, naked, alone,the blackness of immeasurable space.Upon himself he has to lean; with mindabolished, thought unfathered, in the dimdepths of his soul he sinks, for nothing comesfrom outside to support or limit him.All life and brightness seem an ancient dream —while in the very substance of the night,unravelled, alien, he now perceivesa fateful something that is his by right.<1944>