shore birds
perching birds
other birds
Mills, James A.
Mimicry, male or female
Morris, Desmond
Mortality, stress in breeders mammals birds
Mountee solicitation/facilitation (homosexual)
mammals: primates marine hoofed other
birds: waterfowl perching other
Mounter/mountee preferences (homosexual) mammals birds
Mounting (homosexual)
primates: apes langurs, etc. macaques other
marine mammals
hoofed mammals: deer antelopes, etc. wild sheep, etc. other
other mammals: carnivores marsupials rodents, etc.
waterfowl: geese, etc. other aquatic wading
shore birds: sandpipers, etc. gulls, etc.
perching birds: cotingas, etc. swallows, etc. sparrows, etc. birds of paradise, etc.
other birds: flightless birds of prey, etc. hummingbirds, etc.
Mounting positions, variant (homosexual)
face-to-face, belly-to-belly primates marine mammals
other positions mammals birds
Mounting without penetration, cloacal contact, and/or ejaculation (heterosexual)
mammals: primates hoofed other
birds: waterfowl shore perching other
Multiple matings (heterosexual)
mammals: primates marine hoofed other
birds: waterfowl shore perching other
Nataf, Zachary I.
National Forum on BioDiversity
Native American peoples
Necrophilia (heterosexual)
Neglect of offspring
Nest-building, home-sharing (homosexual)
birds: waterfowl shore perching other
Nest desertion
New Guinean peoples
Nonbreeders (heterosexual)
groups/populations mammals birds
helpers mammals birds