Sexual friendships see Partnerships

Sexually transmitted diseases

Sexual orientation see Bisexuality; Exclusive homosexuality; Preference (homosexual)

Sexual plasticity see Behavioral/ sexual plasticity

Sexual pleasure Sexual arousal

Siberian/Arctic peoples see Indigenous cultures


Sikes, S. K.

Single parenting in pair-bonding species (heterosexual) mammals waterfowl shore birds perching birds other birds

Situational homosexuality see Bisexuality latent or situational; Explanations— shortage of opposite sex

Skewed sex ratios see Explanations—shortage of opposite sex

Smuts, Barbara

Social, spatial responses (toward or by homosexual/transgendered animals)

interference, hostility toward mammals birds

nonchalance, curiosity toward

offensive attacks by mammals birds

partner defense by mammals birds

rank/status of

segregation/separation by

territory defense by mammals birds

see also Preference—competing for same-sex partners; Transgendered animals— greater reproductive/heterosexual activity by

Sorum, Arve

Soule, Michael E.

Sources of offspring (homosexual parenting)

adoption (coparenting by nonbreeders)

coparenting by breeder and nonbreeder


foster-parenting in captivity

joint parenting by breeders

mating within bisexual trios/ quartets

nonmonogamous mating

parasitism (egg “donation” by other birds)

Sperm competition theory

Sperm storage

Standing Bear, Luther

Stephenson, Robert

Step-parenting see Adoption

Steward, Daniel-Harry

Stress of breeding see Mortality, stress in breeders

Supernormal clutches waterfowl shore birds perching birds other birds

see also Parenting

Supra-annual breeding cycles see Breeding rare, incomplete, non-yearly

Taboos see Cultural behavior; Incest (homosexual)

Tafoya, Terry

Tennent, W.J.

Terminology for homosexuality/ transgender

use of gay, lesbian

use of homosexual

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