me out of it. I don't like it. Besides, I haven't the time; we're cutting the hay tomorrow and I must get up early.

VOYNITSKY comes in wearing a dressing gown and carrying a candle.

VOYNITSKY. A thunderstorm is coming up. [The lightning flashes] There it is! Go to bed, Helena and Sonya. I've come to take your place.

SEREBRYAKOV. [Frightened] No, no, no! Don't leave me alone with him! Oh, don't. He will talk me to death.

VOYNITSKY. But you must give them a little rest. They have not slept for two nights.

SEREBRYAKOV. Then let them go to bed, but you go away too! Thank you. I implore you to go. For the sake of our former friendship do not protest against going. We will talk some other time ---

VOYNITSKY. [Smiles ironically] Our former friendship! Our former ---

SONYA. Hush, Uncle Vanya!

SEREBRYAKOV. [To his wife] My darling, don't leave me alone with him. He will talk me to death.

VOYNITSKY. This is ridiculous.

MARINA comes in carrying a candle.

SONYA. You must go to bed, Nanny, it's late.

MARINA. I haven't cleared away the tea things. Can't go to bed yet.

SEREBRYAKOV. No one can go to bed. They are all worn out, only I enjoy perfect happiness.

MARINA. [Goes up to SEREBRYAKOV and speaks tenderly] What's the matter, master? Does it hurt? My own legs are aching too, oh, so badly. [Arranges his shawl about his legs] You've had this illness such a long time. Sonya's poor mother used to stay awake with you too, and wear herself out for you. She loved you dearly. [A pause] Old people want to be pitied as much as young ones, but nobody cares about them somehow. [She kisses SEREBRYAKOV'S shoulder] Come, master, let me give you some lime-flower tea and warm your poor feet for you. I shall pray to God for you.

SEREBRYAKOV. [Deeply touched] Let us go, Marina.

MARINA. My own feet are aching so badly, oh, so badly! [She and SONYA lead SEREBRYAKOV out] Sonya's mother used to wear herself out with sorrow and weeping. You were still little and silly then, Sonya. Come, come, master.


HELENA. I'm absolutely exhausted by him, and can hardly stand.

VOYNITSKY. You're exhausted by him, and I'm exhausted by my own self. I haven't slept for three nights.

HELENA. Something is wrong in this house. Your mother hates everything but her pamphlets and the professor; the professor is irritable, he won't trust me, and fears you; Sonya is angry with her father, and with me, and hasn't spoken to me for two weeks; you hate my husband and openly sneer at your mother; I'm at the end of my strength, and have come near bursting into tears at least twenty times today. Something is wrong in this house.

VOYNITSKY. Leave philosophy alone, please.

HELENA. You are cultured and intelligent, Ivan, and you surely understand that the world is not destroyed by villains and conflagrations, but by hate and malice and all these petty

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