ASTROV comes in. He has his coat on, but is without his waistcoat or tie, and is slightly drunk. TELEGIN follows him, carrying a guitar.


TELEGIN. But every one is asleep.


TELEGIN begins to play softly.

ASTROV. [To VOYNITSKY] Are you alone here? No ladies about? [Sings softly with his arms akimbo.]

'The hut is cold, the fire is dead;

Where shall the master lay his head?'

The thunderstorm woke me. It was a heavy shower. What time is it?

VOYNITSKY. The devil only knows.

ASTROV. I thought I heard Helena's voice.

VOYNITSKY. She was here a moment ago.

ASTROV. What a beautiful woman! [Looking at the medicine bottles on the table] Medicine, is it? What a variety we have; prescriptions from Moscow, from Kharkov, from Tula! Why, he's been pestering all the towns of Russia with his gout! Is he ill, or simply pretending?

VOYNITSKY. He's really ill. [A pause]

ASTROV. What's the matter with you tonight? You seem sad. Is it because you're sorry for the professor?

VOYNITSKY. Leave me alone.

ASTROV. Or in love with the professor's wife?

VOYNITSKY. She's my friend.

ASTROV. Already?

VOYNITSKY. What do you mean by 'already'?

ASTROV. A woman can only become a man's friend after having first been his acquaintance and then his mistress -- then she becomes his friend.

VOYNITSKY. What vulgar philosophy!

ASTROV. What do you mean? Yes, I must confess I'm getting vulgar, but then, you see, I'm drunk. I usually only drink like this once a month. At such times my audacity and impertinence know no bounds. I feel capable of anything. I attempt the most difficult operations and do them magnificently. The most brilliant plans for the future take shape in my head. I'm no longer a poor fool of a doctor, but mankind's greatest benefactor. Greatest! I evolve my own system of philosophy and all of you seem to crawl at my feet like so many insects or microbes. [To TELEGIN] Play, Waffles!

TELEGIN. My dear boy, I would with all my heart, but do listen to reason; everybody in the house is asleep.


TELEGIN plays softly.

ASTROV. I want a drink. Come, we still have some brandy left. And then, as soon as it's day, you will come home with me. O-Key? I have an assistant who can't say 'OK,' always says 'O-Key.' Awful rascal. So, O-Key? [He sees SONYA, who comes in at that moment.]

ASTROV. I beg your pardon, I have no tie on. [He goes out quickly, followed by TELEGIN.]

SONYA. Uncle Vanya, you and the doctor have been drinking again! The old boys have been getting together! It's all very well for him, he's always done it, but why do you follow his example? It looks bad at your age.

VOYNITSKY. Age has nothing to do with

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