for some reason I'm strangely happy. I wonder why? [She laughs with pleasure] I told him that he was a good man and that his voice was sweet. Was that the proper thing to do? I can still feel his voice vibrating in the air; it caresses me. [Wringing her hands] Oh! how terrible it is that I'm not pretty! I'm plain, I know it. As I came out of church last Sunday I heard people talking about me and I overheard a woman say, 'She's a nice, kind girl, but what a pity she's so ugly!' So ugly!

HELENA comes in and throws open the window.

HELENA. The storm is over. What delicious air! [A pause] Where's the doctor?

SONYA. He's gone. [A pause.]

HELENA. Sonya!


HELENA. How much longer are you going to sulk at me? We haven't hurt each other. Why not be friends? It's time we ended this.

SONYA. I've wanted to -- [She embraces HELENA] Let's make peace.

HELENA. Oh, that's splendid. [They are both moved.]

SONYA. Has papa gone to bed?

HELENA. No, he is sitting up in the drawing-room. Heaven knows what reason you and I had for not speaking to each other for weeks. [Sees the open sideboard] What's this?

SONYA. Dr. Astrov has just had supper.

HELENA. There's some wine. Let's seal our friendship.

SONYA. Yes, let's.

HELENA. Out of one glass. [She fills a wine-glass] It's better like this. So, we're friends, are we?

SONYA. Yes. [They drink and kiss each other] I've long wanted to make friends, but somehow, I was ashamed to. [She weeps.]

HELENA. Why are you crying?

SONYA. I don't know. It's nothing.

HELENA. There, there, don't cry. [She weeps] Silly! Now I'm crying too. [A pause] You're angry with me because I seem to have married your father for selfish reasons. I swear to you, if that means anything to you, that I married him for love. I was fascinated by his fame and learning. I know now that it was not real love, but it seemed real at the time. I'm innocent, and yet your clever, suspicious eyes have been punishing me for an imaginary crime ever since my marriage.

SONYA. Peace, peace! Let us forget the past.

HELENA. You must not look at people that way. It's not becoming to you. You must trust people, or life becomes impossible. [A pause]

SONYA. Tell me truly, as a friend, are you happy?

HELENA. Truly, no.

SONYA. I knew it. One more question, tell me frankly, do you wish your husband were young?

HELENA. What a child you are! Of course I do. [Laughs] Go on, ask me something else.

SONYA. Do you like the doctor?

HELENA. Yes, very much indeed.

SONYA. [Laughing] I have a stupid look on my face, haven't I? He's just gone out, and his voice is still in my ears; I hear his step; I see his face in the dark window. Let me say all

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