‘What the hell are you doing here?” I hiss automatically pushing the door half closed behind me. It’s instinct, even though they won’t be back for hours.

Hawk half smiles from my bed – the bed he’s now lying on. I stare at him in shock. I can’t believe that anyone would dare to do this and feel like my jaw has disconnected. Maybe it works on other girls, but not me. He keeps pointing at the vase of flowers next to him. It takes me a few seconds to realise that he must have brought them. I pale, they’re bluebells. That’s what they found me surrounded by the day I went missing. I was five years old and according to my Dad, I looked like a flower fairy. Only my parents and I knew this.

‘Is this some joke? Did someone tell you about the bluebells?’ I whisper. He shakes his head and stands up. ‘Nevaeh, I just brought you bluebells – they’re everywhere, and you didn’t strike me as a rose sort of girl.’ His voice sounded hoarse and I was pleased he couldn’t hear the way my heart was thumping. I notice the open window.

‘I thought only vampires needed an invitation?’ I mocked. He smiles, shaking his head again, this time more slowly.

‘That’s just a story, real vampires just have to hand a girl flowers.’ He plucks one of the bluebells from the vase and hands it to me, bowing low. I take it, looking at him suspiciously. What was he up to? Maybe, this is another one of my dreams and he’s not even real.

‘Nope, flesh and blood.’ He grins patting his arms before throwing himself back onto the bed. I frown. He sounded like he answered me. This was the second time; he’d guessed what I was thinking. He’s still grinning, but this time he’s put his hands behind his head like he’s really enjoying himself. I fume.

‘I’d like you to leave please.’ My voice is cold.


I look at him then, like he’s an idiot. Maybe he is an idiot wrapped up in good looks. Did he just giggle?

Hawk gets up, and then seems to change his mind, and this time, he’s sitting on my dressing table chair. Was he insane?

I notice a lump of clothing and underwear nearby and swoop down to pick it up before depositing it in my laundry basket. I can feel his eyes watching me, and heat rises in my cheeks.

‘Right, I’m going to ask you again, why did you climb in my window?' I arch my eyebrow, a technique I’d picked up from Mum. It doesn’t go unnoticed, and I feel my cheeks burn when he gives a low whistle. I step towards him angrily, my fists clenched. He raises his hands in defence.

‘Ok…Okay…first of all I’m not trying to be a Romeo, and I didn’t climb through the window. I flew through.’ He almost whispered the last part.

I stared at him in shock.

‘Did you just say flew?’ The memories of wings flapping flood back.

He nods - his eyes more serious and he holds his hand up. I shot him a look but didn’t speak.

‘I’m not finished. I wasn’t finished last week. You keep running away Nevaeh. Once you’ve listened – I’ll go, deal?’

I frown. This wasn’t a negotiation.


I’m distracted by the way the sunlight seems to illuminate him and his hair has fallen down over his eyes again. He seemed so young then, angelic.

‘Nevaeh, there are two worlds around us - seen and unseen. The world as we know it is moving towards a new age. Ever heard of the Indigo children?' I shake my head, confused by where this was going. It felt like an odd conversation to have in my bedroom.

‘They're a new phase,’ he interrupts my thoughts.

‘You'll find most of them are adopted, and some of them feel disconnected. Look at all the programmes about psychic or gifted kids; they’re starting to get noticed.’ I slowly nod; I had seen some of those programmes, but what did this have to do with me?

It has everything to do with you. Why do you think I'm here?

I was about to ask what he meant when I suddenly realised what he'd just done. I thought back to last week. Hawk had folded his arms and was smiling, but his eyes were anxious, as if he was trying to read my next move.

Read...he just read my mind.

No, you just opened yours to mine. Remember, I know you, and you know me.

He smiled wider than before, and I felt like someone had thrown cold water on me as I gasped for breath.

‘What the hell is going on?’ I looked at him in horror. Hawk’s eyes were serious then as he walked towards me, and I backed away nervously.

'Nevaeh, I have to show you who you are.’

‘Who am I? Some freak?’

‘Then we’re all freaks, you know why? Because of who you are.’

I ignore him and turn away, concentrating more on zipping up my jacket. My hands are shaking, and I find it difficult to see through my tears. Memories of that night, of them all laughing, pour in.

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