[lxxv] 'And you are right'

[lxxvi] 'He laughs.'

[lxxvii] 'that's it exactly.'

[lxxviii] 'to cause a sensation around his name'

[lxxix] 'He laughs. He laughs a lot, he laughs too much ... He laughs all the time.'

[lxxx] 'So much the better.'

[lxxxi] 'I wanted to convert.'

[lxxxii] 'This poor [auntie,] she's going to hear some pretty things!'

[lxxxiii] 'There's something blind and shifty [or cross-eyed] in him.'

[lxxxiv] 'They are quite simply lazybones'

[lxxxv] ”You're lazy. Your banner is a rag, an impotence.'

[lxxxvi] 'some stupidity of the sort.'

[lxxxvii] 'You don't understand.'

[lxxxviii] 'insatiable activity'

[lxxxix] 'benevolent curmudgeon'

[xc] 'That impure blood should flood our furrows!'

[xci] 'Not an inch of our ground, not a stone of our fortresses!'

[xcii] 'Yes, the comparison is permissible. It was like a little Don Cossack, jumping upon his own grave.'

[xciii] 'I've forgotten.'

[xciv] 'informality'

[xcv] 'without letting it show!'

[xcvi] 'Reader take notice.'

[xcvii] 'At last a friend!'

[xcviii] 'You understand?'

[xcix] 'Excuse me, I've forgotten his name. He's not from around here... something stupid and German in his physiognomy. His name is Rosenthal.'

[c] You know him? Something dull and very self-satisfied in his face, but at the same time very severe, stiff, and serious.'

[ci] 'I know the type.'

[cii] 'yes, I remember it, he used that word.'

[ciii] 'He kept his distance'

[civ] 'anyhow, he seemed to believe I was going to fall on him at once and start beating him to a pulp. All these low-class people are like that'

[cv] 'It's twenty years that I've been preparing for it.'

[cvi] 'I was dignified and calm.'

[cvii] 'and, anyhow, all that.'

[cviii] 'and some of my historical, critical, and political sketches.'

[cix] 'yes, that's right'

[cx] 'He was alone, quite alone'

[cxi] 'in the entryway, yes, I remember that, and then'

[cxii] 'I was overexcited, you see. He talked, he talked ... a pile of things'

[cxiii] 'I was overexcited, but dignified, I assure you of it.'

[cxiv] 'You know, he uttered the name of Telyatnikov'

[cxv] ''who still owes me fifteen roubles from [pinochle], be it said in passing. Anyhow, I didn't understand very well.'

[cxvi] 'what do you think? Anyhow, he consented.'

[cxvii] 'and nothing more'

[cxviii] 'my enemies ... and then what good is this prosecutor, our pig of a prosecutor, who has been impolite to me twice and who got such a fine thrashing the other year at that charming and beautiful [Natalia Pavlovna's,] when he hid in her boudoir. And then, my friend'

[cxix] 'in a friendly way, I am thoroughly pleased.'

[cxx] 'When one has such things in one's room and they come to arrest you'

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