32 G. Shakhnazarov, Tsena svobody, p. 297.

33 Izvestiya, 19 October 1991.

34 Pravda, 27 November 1991.

35 Yeltsin, The View from the Kremlin, p. 116.

36 M. S. Gorbachev, Dekabr’-91. Moya pozitsiya, pp. 119–20.

26 Power and the Market (1992–1993)

1 A. Aslund, How Russia Became a Market Economy, p. 188.

2 R. Service, ‘Boris Yeltsin: Politics and Rhetoric’.

3 Ibid.

4 Ibid.

5 V. Bakatin, Izbavlenie ot KGB, p. 199.

6 Reported by J. Lloyd, Financial Times, 19 December 1991.

7 Interview with E. A. Ryazanov, Moscow Channel One TV: 16 November 1994. I am grateful to Lindsey Hughes for bringing this to my notice.

8 R. Service, ‘Boris Elcin: continuita e mutamento di un rivoluzionario democratico’, pp. 41–54.

9 V. A. Mau, Ekonomika i vlast’, p. 92.

10 Ibid., pp. 47–8.

11 Aslund, How Russia Became a Market Economy, pp. 235–6, 251, 256.

12 R. Sakwa, Russian Politics and Society, p. 57.

13 Aslund, How Russia Became a Market Economy, p. 141.

14 Ye. Gaidar, Gosudarstvo i evolyutsiya, p. 164.

15 Aslund, How Russia Became a Market Economy, p. 278.

16 J. Channon, Agrarian Reforms in Russia, 1992–1995, p. 4.

17 Aslund, How Russia Became a Market Economy, p. 278.

18 Ibid., p. 184.

19 R. Kaiser, The Geography of Nationalism, p. 161.

20 J. Lester, Modern Tsars and Princes. The Struggle for Hegemony in Russia, pp. 65–7.

21 Rossiiskaya gazeta, 3 April 1992, pp. 1–2.

22 B. Yeltsin, The View from the Kremlin, p. 236.

23 Programma partii Liberal’no-demokraticheskoi partii, p. 1.

24 Rossiiskaya gazeta, 6 May 1993.

25 Yeltsin, The View from the Kremlin, p. 244.

26 B. Clarke, An Empire’s New Clothes, pp. 234, 240.

27 Aslund, How Russia Became a Market Economy, p. 198.

28 This is admitted by Yeltsin in The View from the Kremlin, p. 255.

29 Ibid., p. 278.

30 Aslund, How Russia Became a Market Economy, p. 284.

31 Ibid., p. 273.

32 Ibid., p. 278.

27 The Lowering of Expectations (1994–1999)

1 R. Service, Russia: Experiment with a People, pp. 113–14.

2 NG-Stsenarii, January 2000.

3 A. Korzhakov, Boris Yel’tsin: ot rassveta do zakata, pp. 210–12.

4 R. Service, Russia: Experiment with a People, pp. 183–5.

5 B. Yeltsin, Midnight Diaries, p. 25.

6 A. Lieven, Chechnya. Tombstone of Russian Power, p. 176.

7 P. Chaisty, Legislative Politics and Economic Power, p. 101.

8 Ibid., p. 120.

9 Lieven, Chechnya, pp. 58–60.

10 Sotsial’noe polozhenie i uroven’ zhizni naseleniya Rossii, pp. 138–9 and 305. See also J. Eatwell et al., Transformation and Integration: Shaping the Future of Central and Eastern Europe, pp. 73 and 76.

11 C. Freeland, Sale of the Century, pp. 166–8.

12 G. Zyuganov, Rossiya i sovremennyi mir, pp. 17–18.

13 O. Kryshtanovskaya and S. White, ‘From Soviet Nomenklatura to Russian Elite’.

14 L. M. Drobizheva, Asimmetrichnaya federatsiya, p. 17.

15 R. Service, Russia: Experiment with a People, p. 85.

16 B. Granville and P. Oppenheimer, Russia’s Post-Communist Economy, p. 19.

17 R. Service, Russia: Experiment with a People, p. 317.

18 J. Channon, Agrarian Reforms in Russia, 1992–1995, pp. 1–5.

19 R. Service, Russia: Experiment with a People, chapter 16.

20 ‘8200’: song from Kostroma, Mon Amour.

21 R. Marsh, Literature, History and Identity in Post-Soviet Russia, 1991– 2006, pp. 548–9.

22 R. Service, Russia: Experiment with a People, pp. 283–5.

23 B. Yeltsin, Midnight Diaries, 386–7.

28 And Russia? (From 2000)

1 See the details in N. Gevorkyan, N. Timakova and A. Kolesnikov, Ot pervogo litsa. Peregovory s Vladimirom Putinym.

2 Moskovskie novosti, 2 June 2000.

3 R. Service, Russia: Experiment with a People, pp. 211–12.

4 S. Whitefield, ‘Culture, Experience and State Identity: A Survey-Based Analysis of Russians, 1995–2003’, p. 132.

5 T. Phillips, Beslan: The Tragedy of School No. 1, pp. 3–8.

6 P. Gustafson, ‘Putin and the Judiciary’, RESC advanced research seminar, St Antony’s College, 12 November 2007.

7 P. Chaisty, Legislative Politics and Economic Power in Russia, p. 125.

8 R. Service, Russia: Experiment with a People, pp. 273–4.

9 E. Chebankova, ‘Putin’s Struggle for Federalism: Structures, Operation and the Commitment Problem’, pp. 295–7.

10 P. Chaisty, Legislative Politics and Economic Power in Russia, p. 69.

11 RIA-Novosti 1 May 2008.

12 A. Campbell, The Blair Years. Extracts from the Alistair Campbell Diaries, p.

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