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Abakumov, V.S., 340

Abkhazia, 560

Abkhazians, 424, 481, 560

abortion, 143, 422

Abuladze, Tengiz, 415, 450

Achalov, Vladislav, 524

acquiescence, social, 146, 243–4, 250;

see also apathy

Adenauer, Konrad, 353

administrators: courted by Bolsheviks, 95; working-class, 96–7; and state centralism, 98, 111; recruits to, 145; material rewards and privileges, 193, 320–21, 371, 410, 550; under Stalin, 236–7, 240–43; indoctrination, 324; discontent, 329; obstructiveness under Khrushchev, 360; and Khrushchev’s reforms, 370–71; attitude to work, 417; complaints against, 424–5; and Yeltsin’s reforms, 514–15; under privatization, 538–9; see also managers

Adzharians, 424

Adzhubei, Aleksei, 347

Afanasev, Yuri, 460, 473, 475

Afghanistan: USSR invades (1979), 411; Soviet withdrawal from, 443, 465, 469, 480; costs, 469; American- led invasion (2002), 555

Africa, 389

Aganbegyan, Abel, 450, 492

Agitprop Department (of Party Central Committee), 132

Agrarian Party, 530

agriculture: pre-World War I development, 5, 7; World War I production, 79, 181; backwardness, 91; predominance, 147; improves under NEP, 155; diversification in, 163; prices, 164, 173, 263–4; low output, 181; mechanization, 181–2; under Five-Year Plans, 194–5; post-World War II disputes over, 302, 320; Khrushchev’s reforms, 320, 347, 349–51, 401–2; Brezhnev’s policy on, 380, 400–403; increased production under Brezhnev, 385; 1980 output, 401; ‘links’ system, 401–2; Gorbachev proposes reforms, 440, 470–71; inefficiency, 467; and imports, 470; stimulated 535, 542, 551, 558; see also collectivization; harvests

Aitmatov, Chingiz, 415

Akhmatova, Anna, 139, 248, 281, 319, 365, 573

Akvarium, 543

Albania: and end of World War II, 272; condemns Brezhnev Doctrine, 388; criticizes Soviet leadership, 409; survival of communism in, 484

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