BBC Russian Service, 557

BBC World Service, 415

Bedny, Demyan, 205

begging, 517

Belarus (formerly Belorussia): agrees to join Commonwealth of Independent States, 506; see also Belorussia

Belgium: Germans occupy, 258

Belgrade: Gorbachev visits, 463

Belorussia: lost in 1918 peace agreement, 77–8, 84; Soviet republic formed, 114; status, 129–30; Germans occupy, 261, 283; loyalties in World War II, 284; relations with Russians, 368; affected by Chernobyl disaster, 445; nationalist protests, 457; see also Belarus

Berdyaev, Nikolai, 137, 536

Berezovski, Boris, 532, 548–9, 550, 556–7, 561

Beria, Lavrenti: in Georgia, 201; interrogation methods, 229; promoted, 232, 242; at 18th Party Congress, 233; supports Stalin, 241, 252; on threat of World War II, 260; and conduct of World War II, 262; and murder of Polish officers, 268; and Stamenov, 268; and deportation of nationalities, 276; and nuclear weapons research, 301, 304, 318; post-World War II position, 303; Stalin turns against, 325; advocates easier treatment of non-Russians, 326, 343; and Stalin’s death, 327; position and reform policies after Stalin’s death, 331–3; arrested and shot, 333–4, 345, 357; in Great Terror, 340

Berlin: expected rising in, 101; 1923 insurrection, 159; Red Army occupies, 272; blockade and airlift (1948– 9), 310; 1953 strike, 336; Wall, 373–4; see also Germany

Berlin, Sir Isaiah, 316

Beslan, siege at, 549

Bessarabia: annexed by USSR, 258

Big Three (USSR, USA, Britain), 294

Birobidzhan, 317

birth rate, 422

black market: in food, 109, 119; as common practice, 243–4

Blair, Tony, 556

Blok, Alexander, 95

Blokhin, Yuri, 497

Bloody Sunday (9 January 1905), 13

Blyumkin, Yakov, 103

Bogomolov, Oleg, 450

Bogrov, Dmitri, 17

Boldin, Valeri, 498–9

Bolshevik Party see Communist Party of the Soviet Union

Bonch-Bruevich, V.D., 93

Bondarev, Yuri, 497

Bonner, Yelena (Sakharov’s widow), 521

Book of Delicious and Healthy Food, The, 320

Bosnia 24, 537

Boundary and Friendship Treaty (Germany–USSR, 1939), 257

bourgeoisie: class war against, 92; emigration by, 136; in administration, 145; and private trade, 145; eliminated, 239; see also middle class

Bovin, Alexander, 450

BP, 550

Brandt, Willy, 389

Brest-Litovsk, Treaty of (1918), 75–6, 78–80, 84–6, 93, 102–3, 107, 173, 268, 326

Brezhnev, Leonid: career, 236, 383, 568; Khrushchev sends to Kazakhstan, 338; as Khrushchev’s protege, 373, 383; and ousting of Khrushchev, 376–8; administration, 379–80, 391, 397, 399–400; displaces Shelepin, 379; agricultural policy, 380, 400–403; avoids excessive repression, 382; qualities and background, 382–4, 404; as General Secretary, 385; visits Prague, 386; and Czechoslvak Spring, 387; Doctrine, 387–8; visits abroad, 388, 399; and nationalist aspirations, 390; and Party discipline, 391–2, 399; death and funeral, 397, 426–7, 435; foreign policy, 399; memoirs, 403; political appointments and promotions, 403; health decline, 404, 425–6; personal cult, 404; at 24th Party Congress, 405–6; and static policy, 409; and dissenters, 413; and repression, 415; and material improvements, 417; and ideology, 419; liking for popular entertainment, 421, 425; allows Jewish emigration, 423; and legality, 425; succession to, 426; appoints Andropov to head KGB, 429; and Gorbachev, 437, 451; Yakovlev criticizes, 459; Yeltsin visits, 504; his post-Soviet reputation, 529

Brezhneva, Galina (Leonid’s daughter), 383, 426

Brezhneva, Viktoria (Leonid’s wife), 382

Britain: empire, 3, 96; in Franco-Russian entente, 3; Imperial Russian disputes with, 24; and German naval rivalry, 25; in World War I, 25, 78; intervenes in civil war, 102; diplomatic relations with USSR, 229; and outbreak of World War II, 255–7; conduct of World War II, 259, 272, 277; post-war status, 294; state welfare system, 294; resists reparation demands on Germany, 308; in Suez war (1956), 343

British Council, 557

Brodski, Iosif, 412

Bronshtein, Lev Davydovich see Trotski, Lev

Brusilov, General Alexei A., 30, 120

Brutus, 93

Buddhists, 369

budget: deficits, 467–8; balancing under Yeltsin, 510, 532, 535

Bukharin, Nikolai Ivanovich: agrees to 1918 peace settlement, 77–8; in Central Committee, 85; revolutionary aims, 92; administrative agreement with colleagues, 110; encourages German communism, 126; encourages popular education, 142; and Lenin’s health decline, 151; Lenin criticizes, 152; disagreements with Lenin, 153; and succession to Lenin, 154–5; attacks Trotski, 156; supports NEP, 156, 158, 162, 172–4; and Western powers, 158; on world capitalism, 159; economic policy, 160, 186–7; reviles critics, 161; and agricultural prices, 164, 173; opposes Stalin’s economic policies, 172–4; qualities, 173–4; conflicts with Stalin, 174–6; forced to condemn rightist policies, 178; dismissed from Politburo, 179; opposes compulsory collectivization, 179, 195; edits Izvestiya, 194; criticized at 17th Party Congress, 213; accused of espionage, 221, 223; arrested and tried, 223, 228, 240; denounced, 238; Khrushchev and, 341, 348; rehabilitation, 459; historical accounts of, 479; The ABC of Communism (with Preobrazhenski), 142; ‘Notes of an Economist’, 173

Bukovina: annexed by USSR, 258

Bukovski, Vladimir, 412

Bulgakov, Mikhail, 248

Bulganin, Nikolai, 241, 337, 347, 352

Bulgaria: in Second Balkan War, 25; in World War II, 258; Soviet post-War award, 271; and formation of Cominform, 308; Gorbachev and, 463; communist collapse in, 483

Bulletin of the Opposition (Trotski), 188

Burbulis, Gennadi, 512

bureaucracy: personnel, 145, 320; venality in, 145–6; and record-keeping, 147–8; Gorbachev on, 438; see also administrators

Buryatiya, 521

Bush, George W., 555, 556

Bykaw, Vasil, 415

capital: foreign investments in Russia, 4, 159, 163; industrial, 79; inter-war instability, 170; invested abroad, 519; after communism, 550, 562

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