organization,; disclaims imperialism, 128; and nationalities, 131–2; encourages personal activities, 140; exalts working class, 142–3; and peasants, 147; and social control, 147–9; Stalin purges, 185–6, 215–21, 225, 233–4, 236; factionalism in, 187–8; enemies, 188; as power-base, 211–12, 219; Stalin restores power, 233; official history of, 237–8; world communist dominance, 295; post-World War II position, 303; under Khrushchev, 346–7, 349; Khrushchev’s programme for, 360–63, 371, 373; leadership divided after Khrushchev’s ousting, 378; in Constitution, 406; and mass control, 418–19; and glasnost, 448; Gorbachev’s reform of, 448, 459–63, 466; Gorbachev maintains membership, 486–7, 491; and coup against Gorbachev, 502; Yeltsin suspends legal status, 505, 512; aims and achievements, 568–70

Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolshevik) Conferences: Nineteenth (1988), 461–2; Seventh (1917), 48; Tenth (1921), 127; Twelfth (1922), 138; Thirteenth (1924), 156

Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolshevik) Congresses: Second (1903), 19, 104; Seventh (1918), 77–8; Eighth (1919), 112; Tenth (1921), 125–6; Eleventh (1922), 127, 151; Twelfth (1923), 157; Fourteenth (1925), 160; Seventeenth (1934), 212–16; Eighteenth (1939), 224, 232–3, 236, 240; Nineteenth (1952), 325–6, 328; Twentieth (1956), 338–40, 344, 436; Twenty-Second (1961), 360–61; Twenty-Third (1965), 375; Twenty-Fourth (1971), 405–6; Twenty-Fifth (1976), 407, 424; Twenty-Sixth (1981), 407; Twenty-Seventh (1986), 441–2, 444; Twenty- Eighth (1990), 490, 493

‘compound, the Soviet’, 99, 293, 397, 425, 452, 463, 485, 567–8, 570–1

Congress of People’s Deputies, 461–2, 472–5, 478, 479–80, 488–9, 492–3, 502

Congress of Soviets of Workers’ amd Soldiers’ Deputies: First (1917), 46, 49, 62, 65–6, 69; Second (1917), 59; Third (1918), 76, 84; Fifth (1918), 103–4; Eighth (1920), 121

Constituent Assembly: proposed (1917), 34, 38; and regional reorganization, 45; proposed 1917 elections, 55; and October Revolution, 67, 74; elections to, 74–5, 81–2, 89, 472; closed and dispersed, 75, 85, 92–3; in civil war, 102, 104, 106; Committee of Members (Komuch), 102, 104, 106

Constitution: adopted (1922), 133, 152; Stalin reformulates (1936), 239–40, 406; 1977 revision, 406, 488; Yeltsin’s (1993), 527–8, 529, 558, 559

Constitutional Court, 519

Constitutional-Democratic Party see Kadets

consumer goods, 335, 347, 356, 379, 407, 409, 417, 469, 539, 542

Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty (1990), 556

co-operatives, 451, 460, 471–2

Corvalan, Luis, 412

Cossacks: in northern Caucasus, 114, 133

Council of the Federation, 527, 529, 532, 553

Council of Ministers, 331

Council of People’s Commissars (Sovnarkom): formed, 66–7, 73; on landed estates, 68; political reforms, 69; political base, 74, 81; and 1917/18 peace agreement, 75–8; early rule, 85, 91, 100; economic reforms, 87, 91; and withering of capitalism, 96; and administrators, 97; violence, 97; revolutionary aims, 98; in civil war, 103; and food distribution, 109; and regions, 115; appointments to, 148; authority and scope, 151; and campaign against kulaks, 180

Council of the United Gentry, 31

crime see criminality

Crimea, 317, 367

Crimean Tatars, 367

Crimean War (1854–6), 1, 6

criminality and criminal gangs, 246, 512, 519, 532–3, 534–5, 549

Croats, 287

Cruise missiles, 400

Cuba, 352, 374, 388

culture: under communism, 191, 205–8, 246, 248–9, 549; in World War II, 281; Stalin’s repressive views on, 319, 329; under Khrushchev, 364–6; Brezhnev restricts, 380–81; dissenters and, 415; imports from West, 540; younger writers, 540–41; see also intelligentsia

currency: World War I depreciation, 28, 31; post-World War I depreciation, 109; 1947 devaluation, 304; depreciates under Yeltsin, 519; run on rouble, 535

Czechoslovak Legion, 103, 106

Czechoslovakia: 1934 treaty with USSR, 229; Hitler occupies, 255; post-World War II elections and settlement, 307; and formation of Cominform, 308; Warsaw Pact invasion (1968), 386–8, 390, 392, 398, 409, 443, 454; communist collapse in, 483; economic recovery, 519

Czech Republic, 537, 556, 561, 562

Czernin, Otto von, 76

D-Day (Normandy, 1944), 269

Dalstroi trust, 179

Daniel, Yuli, 381, 390

Danilov, Viktor, 381

Dardanelles, 27

Daugavpils (Latvia), 457

Decembrists, 17

Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples of Russia (1917), 69, 83

Declaration of the Rights of the Toiling and Exploited People, 84

de-industrialization, 536

democracy: Gorbachev advocates, 451–2, 454, 479; Yeltsin’s attitude to, 529

Democratic Centralists, 117–18

Democratic Conference (1917), 57

Democratic Union, 475

demonstrations (protest), 364, 387, 437

de-nationalization see privatization

Denikin, General Anton, 113, 116–17

Denmark: Germans occupy, 258

denunciations, 104, 132, 238, 244–5, 338–42

deportation: of nationalities, 133–4, 276, 284, 329, 339, 367–8; of intelligentsia, 137; in Great Terror, 215, 223–5; of nationals from annexed territories, 258; in World War II, 276, 298; post-World War II, 300; Khrushchev regrets, 367‘deprived ones’ (lishentsy), 89, 239

devaluation (of rouble) see currency

developed socialism, 405–7, 467

dictatorship of the proletariat, 64, 88, 92, 94–6, 98, 141

diet, 184, 249, 276, 278, 356, 418; see also famine; food supply

Dimitrov, Georgi, 227

discontent, social, 81, 250–51, 297–300, 329, 358–9, 364, 371–2, 390, 410, 418, 423, 425, 473–4, 477, 518, 542, 554, 563–4dissenters (‘other-thinkers’), 381, 413–15, 449, 511; see also intelligentsia

divorce, 143, 417

Djilas, Milovan, 265, 305

doctors, 541

Doctors’ Plot (1952), 324–5, 332, 339

Dolgoruki, Prince Yuri, 323

Don Basin: miners rebel, 56; strikes, 472

Dostoevski, Fedor, 11, 134, 207, 366, 415

drought (1946), 276

druzhinniki (vigilante groups), 361

Dubcek, Alexander, 386–7, 483

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