256–7; 1940 defeat, 258; communist party follows Moscow line, 295, 306, 311; and conference on Cominform, 308; resists reparation demands on Germany, 308; in Suez war (1956), 343

Franco, General Francisco, 230

Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria, 25

Franz Joseph, Emperor of Austria, 1

Free Trade Union Association, 414

fraud, IMF funds, 534

frivolity, 235, 477

Gagarin, Yuri, 351

Gaidar, Yegor, 505, 509–11, 512–14, 516, 521–3, 526–7, 529, 534

Gamsakhurdia, Zviad, 412

Gapon, Fr Georgi, 13, 204

gas, 536, 553, 562

gas industry, 525, 536, 553, 562

Gazprom, 526

Gdansk shipyards, 409

Geneva: 1955 conference, 353; Gorbachev–Reagan meeting in (1985), 444, 463

Genghis Khan, 226

Genoa Conference (1922), 158

genocide, 202; see also deportation

gentry: land ownership and seizure, 15–16, 20, 34, 39, 53, 55–6, 67–8, 86, 91; see also aristocracy

Georgia: 1906 unrest, 13; and Provisional Government collapse, 60; as independent state, 83; Mensheviks in, 83; conflict with Armenia, 113; Soviet republic formed, 114, 207; reconquered (1921), 128; status, 129, 133; 1924 insurrection, 131; repressed, 201; riots over Khrushchev’s denunciation of Stalin, 342; repressed under Khrushchev, 369; living standard, 423; minorities in, 424; protest demonstrations (1989), 473–4; independence demands, 481; violence against Abkhazians, 481; declines to join Commonwealth of Independent States, 507; relations with Russia after 1991, 535, 555, 560

Gerashchenko, Viktor, 516

German Communist Party, 107, 126, 158, 171, 178, 187

German Democratic Republic (East Germany): established, 311; emigration to West, 374; recognized by West Germany, 389; Gorbachev on, 463; citizens seek asylum in Austria, 483

German Federal Republic (West Germany), 337, 389

German Social Democratic Party: advocates central planning, 63; opposes communist ‘March Action’ in (1921), 126, 158–9; propaganda, 140; Comintern declares enmity for, 178; communists campaign against, 187

Germany: as threat to Imperial Russia, 1; trade with Russia, 3; imperial Russian rivalry with, 24–5; naval power, 25; and outbreak of World War I, 26–7, 34, 53; returns Lenin to Russia, 47; in World War I, 49, 107; and 1917/18 peace agreement with Russia, 75–8, 80; and October Revolution, 75; unrest in, 81; 1918 territorial acquisitions, 84; and civil war in Russia, 102; Spartakist rising (1919), 112; 1918 defeat, 117; Soviet negotiations and agreement with, 158–9; rise of Nazism, 171; Stalin’s estimate of, 187; nationalism, 206; signs Anti-Comintern Pact, 230; and outbreak of World War II, 255–7; imports Soviet strategic materials, 259; invades and campaigns in USSR (1941), 260–67; defence of homeland, 270–71; World War II atrocities, 283, 286, 288–9; occupation regime, 286–90, 295–6; Soviet collaborators with, 287; industrial plant transferred to USSR, 307; partition, 308; economic recovery, 322

Gestapo, 223, 286

Ghana, 389

Gierek, Eduard, 386

Gil, Stepan, 107

glasnost, 448–9, 452, 459–60, 464, 466

Glasnost (journal), 480

Glavlit (Main Administration for Affairs of Literature and Publishing Houses), 137, 324, 366, 448

Goethe, J.W. von, 85

gold, 4, 159, 177

Gomulka, Wladislaw, 231, 311, 342–3, 386

Gorbachev, Mikhail: abolishes Glavlit, 137; Marxist-Leninism, 370; reform programme, 397, 438–44, 446, 448–52, 454–5, 459–62, 466, 468, 479, 485, 490, 494; experiments with ‘links’ system, 402; background and career, 404–5, 435–7, 456; Andropov employs, 430–31, 433, 437; status and influence, 434; appointed General Secretary, 435, 438; formulation of ideas, 437–8, 443, 451, 454–5; visits abroad, 437, 440, 463; political appointments, 438–9, 456; character and style, 439–40; foreign policy and international relations, 442–5, 451, 455, 463–5; and defence commitments, 443–4; negotiates with Reagan, 444, 463; and Chernobyl disaster, 445–6; and collapse of USSR, 447, 507; and public debate (glasnost), 448–9; relations with Yeltsin, 453, 503, 512; speech on 70th anniversary of October revolution, 453–4; foreign policy, 455, 463–5; and nationalities question, 455–7; at 19th Party Conference, 461–2; replaces Gromyko as Chairman of Supreme Soviet, 463; arms reduction, 465–6; popularity in West, 465–6, 496; innocence, 466; mismanagement, 468; and Armenian earthquake, 469; and economic crisis, 470–71, 491–3, 495; accepts 1989 election results, 473; resistance and opposition to reforms, 473–6, 480–81, 485, 488, 493–5; chairs Congress of People’s Deputies, 474–5; popularity in USSR, 477, 479; and independence movements in republics, 481; and collapse of communism in Eastern Europe, 483–4; contradictions in policy, 485–6; remains in Party, 486–7, 491; proposes socialist liberation, 487; at 18th Party Congress, 490–91; attempted coup against (1991), 491, 496–500, 502, 530; loses popularity, 491, 495–6, 499–500; maintains unity of USSR, 494; works with Yeltsin, 494; resignation, 495, 505, 507; Perestroika (book), 453–4, 465

Gorbacheva, Raisa, 436, 438, 453, 455–6, 469, 486, 498, 502

Gordov, General Vasili N., 299

Gorki (city), 412, 414

Gorki, Maksim, 137, 191, 206, 248

Gosagroprom see State Committee for the Agro-Industrial Complex

Gosizdat (state publisher), 138

Gosplan see State Planning Commission

Gottwald, Clement, 307

Grachev, Pavel, 500, 524, 533

grain: pre-World War I production, 5; World War I regulation of trade, 31, 52, 79–80; production, 78–9, 124; state procurement of, 104, 109, 118, 164, 170, 172–4, 182–3, 194, 305; distribution, 108–9; hoarding by peasants, 109–10; and tax in kind, 124–5; fall in world prices, 147, 159, 177; marketing by peasants, 147; exports under NEP, 155; exports under First Five-Year Plan, 177; quotas, 184; post-World War II production, 328; production under Khrushchev, 350; production under Brezhnev, 401; purchased abroad, 401; price controls lifted (1993), 525; see also harvests

Great Depression (1929), 170, 177

Great Terror (1937–8) see terror

Great War (1914–18) see World War I

Grebenshchikov, Boris, 543

Greece, 271, 306

Greek Catholic (Uniate) Church, 369

Grigoryants, Sergei, 480

Grishin, Viktor, 428, 434–5, 442

Groman, Vladimir, 145

Gromov, General Boris, 497

Gromyko, Andrei, 354, 404, 426, 428, 435, 438, 462–3

Grossman, Vasili, 289; Forever Flowing, 478; Life and Fate, 416

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