Albert II of Monaco, Prince, 558

alcohol and alcoholism, 417, 439, 467–9, 518

Alekseev, General Mikhail, 102, 113

Aleksei, Tsarevich, 20, 33

Aleksi, Patriarch, 282, 369, 538, 547

Alexander II, Tsar, 6–7; assassinated, 18

Alexander III, Tsar, 71

Alexandra, Empress of Nicholas II, 20, 27

alienation, social, 397, 412–13

Aliev, Geidar, 424, 456

Alksnis, Colonel Viktor, 480

Allende, Salvador, 389, 399

Allies (1915–18): view of Lenin, 70; and conduct of war, 107

Allilueva, Nadezhda (Stalin’s wife), 195, 315

Allilueva, Svetlana (Stalin’s daughter), 317, 324

All-People’s Union of Struggle for Russia’s Regeneration, 200

All-Russia Congress of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies see Congress of Soviets of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies

‘All-Russia’ (party), 547

All-Ukrainian National Congress (1917), 40

All-Union Congress of Soviets: First (1922), 133; Fifth (1929), 175.

Alma-Ata: protests in, 456

alphabet (Cyrillic), 206

Al-Qaida, 555

Andreev, Andrei, 170, 241, 302, 402

Andreeva, Nina, 458, 497

Andrei, Archbishop of Chernigov, 370

Andropov, Yuri: mission to Hungary, 343; made KGB chairman, 385; and reform, 410, 428–31, 433–4, 439, 469, 490; and succession to Brezhnev, 426; appointed General Secretary, 428; background and career, 428–9; character and beliefs, 429; employs Gorbachev, 430–31, 433, 437; foreign policy, 431–2, 442; and tensions with USA, 432–3; health decline and death, 433

Anglo-Soviet agreement (1941), 268, 271

Anglo-Soviet Trade Treaty (1921), 126, 158

Angola, 399

Anpilov, Viktor, 524

Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (1972), 555

Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (1973), 399

Anti-Comintern Pact (1936), 230

Anti-Fascist Jewish Committee, 316

Anti-Party Group, 346–7, 360

anti-Semitism see Jews

Antonov-Ovseenko, V.A., 162

apartments see housing

apathy, social and political, 83, 243–4, 420, 566

Archangel, 102

Argentina, 401

Arguments and Facts (journal), 449, 479–80

aristocracy: calls for reforms, 17; see also gentry

armaments industry, 4, 28, 255, 266, 275–6, 304, 329, 535–6, 552

armed forces: pre-revolutionary discontent in, 37–8; support Right, 54; form revolutionary committee, 56; democratization after revolution, 67, 87; soldiers granted direct action, 69; demobilization, 86; mutinies, 119; conscription to, 120, 255, 285; Soviet expenditure on, 329; corrupt management 533; army incompetence 533; under Yeltsin 536; see also Soviet Army, Chechnya

Armenia: and Provisional Government collapse, 60; as independent state, 83; Mensheviks in, 83; conflict with Georgia and Azerbaijan, 113; Soviet republic formed, 114, 207; status, 129; and Nagorny Karabakh, 133, 457; repressed under Khrushchev, 369; terrorist acts, 412; 1988 earthquake, 468–9; joins Commonwealth of Independent States, 506

artists see intelligentsia

Assembly of Plenipotentiaries (1918), 97

associations (factory), 407–8

Aswan Dam (Egypt), 352, 389

atheism, 136 , 203–4

Augustus, Roman emperor, 226

Aurora (battleship), 65

Austria: Hitler annexes, 231; East German refugees in, 483

Austria-Hungary: relations with Imperial Russia, 1, 3; Imperial Russian rivalry with, 24–5; and outbreak of World War I, 25–6; and October Revolution, 75; 1917/18 peace agreement with Russia, 77, 80; unrest in, 81

autonomous republics: introduced, 114

Azerbaijan: and Provisional Government collapse, 60; as independent state, 83; Mensheviks in, 83; conflict with Armenia, 113; Soviet republic formed, 114, 121, 207; status, 129; and Nagorny Karabakh, 133, 457, 482; religion in, 136, 370; joins Commonwealth of Independent States, 506

Azerbaijani Popular Front, 482

Babel, Isaak, 139, 248

Babi Yar (Ukraine), 286

Baghdad railway, 1

Bagration, Operation (1944), 267

Baibakov, Nikolai, 439

Baikal, Lake, 468

Bakatin, Vadim, 486, 493, 495, 512

Baker, James, 496

Bakh, Aleksei, 247

Baklanov, Oleg, 496, 498–9, 501–2

Baku: oilfields, 4, 121, 126; Bolshevik success in, 7; Russians in, 23; Muslim Azeris massacred in, 83; disorder over Nagorny Karabakh, 482

Balkans: French influence in, 24; wars in, 24–5

Balkars, 367

Baltic states: Russians in, 23; lost in 1918 peace settlement, 77–8; incorporated in USSR (1940), 258, 456; Germans occupy, 261, 283; post-World War II demands, 298; post-World War II deportations, 300; Russianization of, 366; human chain formed, 481; decline to join Commonwealth of Independent States, 507; see also Estonia; Latvia; Lithuania

banks and finance: credit squeeze in World War I, 28; nationalized (1917), 79; central, 452

Barbarossa, Operation (1941), 260, 263

Bashkir Republic, 114, 129

Bashkirs: and Russian rule, 84, 114, 424

Bashkortostan, 521

Basic Law (1905), 1, 15–16

Basmachi, 208

Bavarian Soviet Republic, 120

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