damage by, 335

identity, erasure, 125–6, 316, 327, 342

in labour camps, 363, 364

labour in, 342

moral system, 341

population, 99

as recruiting ground, 341

runaways, 343

Soviet propaganda, 341

children’s labour colonies, 329

child support, 161

China, Cultural Revolution, 37

Christmas, 146n

Chubar, Vlas, 301

Chuianov, A. S., 412

Chukovskaia, Lydia, 484–5

Chukovsky, Kornei, 482, 485, 622

Church, Russian Orthodox

campaign against, 5, 7, 68, 127, 349

land, redistribution, 51–2, 77

public confession and penance, 33

relaxation of controls (1943–8), 435, 437

role in marriage and divorce, 10

violent assault against, 85

wartime, 414

See also priests; religion

churches, destroyed, 85


and famine (1930s), 98

housing shortage, 120–22, 172, 174

migration to (1930s), 98–9, 118–19, 126–7, 128

purging, 98–9

wartime destruction, 457

workers and NEP, 7

Civil War (1918–20), 4, 13, 18, 32, 34, 35, 38, 54, 58, 200, 240–41

campaigns against ‘kulaks’, 34, 87

casual relationships in, 10

class war, rural, 78n

grain requisitioning, 49, 72

hostages, 58

peasant wars, 93

Polish invasion, 164, 240

private trade outlawed, 65

romance of, 59, 73, 92, 416

shortages, 6, 73

class identity, manipulation, 136–47

class war, 74

halted by NEP, 62

rural, 78n, 124

coal, production, 83, 110, 113, 159n, 426

Code on Marriage and the Family (1918), 10

Cold War, 464, 481

and defence of Soviet culture, 488, 499

and fear of foreigners, 492–3

military demands, 458

collectivization, agricultural, 81–93

criticism of, 85, 129, 438, 441

and disrepair, 96

failure, 96–7

Komsomol and, 77, 79

in NEP, 83

peasant resistance to, 84–5, 92–3

second wave (1930), 93

taxation policies, 83

temporary halt (1930), 93

as trauma, 128–9

workers’ livestock, 158

See also kolkhoz

Comintern, 311

leadership reshuffle (1935), 230

Piatnitsky at, 228, 229– 32

purge (1937), 540

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