communal apartments, 9, 152– 3, 172–86
conversation in, 253
‘corridor system’, 177–9
elder, post of, 179–80
impact on residents, 186
kitchens, 182
as microcosm of Communist society, 179
mutual surveillance and, 180–82
nostalgia for, 185
and sense of comradeship, 184–5
shared responsibilities, 179
squabbles in, 181–2
toilets, 183–4
communal living, 9–10, 51, 152, 167, 172–86, 176–7
consumerism and, 158
defence, 30
instilling, 20–22
NEP and, 7
private life and, 4
violent leaps towards, 4–5, 91– 2
Communist Party, Communists (Bolsheviks)
agrarian policies, 215
belief in, 33–4
collective leadership, 536, 594
‘condensation’ policy, 9, 174– 5
Congresses, 11; (1925), 36; (1927), 72; (1934), 193; (1961), 538 (1956), 575, 593–6, 597–9, 614, 615, 646
control systems, 34–40
education policy, 20–25
ethos, dominance, 32
family policies, 8–9, 160– 64, 166
flee German army (1941), 380
and Great Terror, 272–3
identity, 33
judgement, acceptance, 272–3
membership numbers, 3n
mistrust of peasants, 81–2
morality, 33
and NEP, 71–2
officials, NKVD servants, 264
officials, shift of power from, 422, 432
and peasants, 50, 51, 77, 83–6
and personal appearance, 158–9
Plenum (1953), 537
portrayed as ‘big family’, 162
religion, campaign against, 68, 127
seize power (1917), 3
as self-policing collective, 37
as source of all justice, 272
as source of Truth, 190–91
in troikas, 283
unity, repentance and, 244
weakened influence, wartime, 422, 432, 434–46
work and discipline, ethos, 168
communal apartments and, 184–5
wartime, 420–21
‘condensation’ policy, 9, 174– 5
confession, public, 33
confessions, extraction, 272–3
Conquest, Robert, 98
conscript labour, 467–8
Constituent Assembly, 38n