xlink:href='#calibre_link-791'>131, 273–4, 275, 341

Provisional Government (1917), 3n, 18

pseudonyms, use by Jewish writers, 519–20Pudovkin, Vsevolod, 43, 166, 195, 254

Pukhova, Nadezhda, 120–21

purges, 508

Academy of Sciences, 208‘class enemies’, 137

culture of, 36, 137

denunciation as, 36

Great Purge (1937), 154, 239, 240, 283, 540

innocence and, 34

as inquisition into souls, 33

intensified (1933–), 155, 157, 192

Jews, 517, 519

Komsomol (1938), 376

legal academics, 205

meetings, 36–7, 268, 269, 369, 376, 473, 492

military (1937–8), 237–9, 289, 383, 422, 615

military (1946–8), 464–5, 625

origins, 34

targets of, 34

Writers’ Union, 505, 519

Pushkarev, Lev, 414

questionnaires (anketa), 35, 344, 354, 436, 473, 474, 475, 478, 510, 548, 598, 601, 654, 662

Rachkovaia, Maria 323–4Radchenko family, 3n, 22–4 (23) , 73, 165

Radek, Karl, 237, 246

RAPP, see Russian Association of Writers

rationing, 5, 39, 74, 119, 423

Razgon, Lev, 310, 629–30Razumikhina, Zina, 55

Red Army

abandoned children with, 387–8Civil War, 4, 13, 35, 54, 58

commanders arrested (1941), 411

counter-offensive (1941–2), 393, 441

criticism and debate in, 434, 439–43equipment, 422–3Fourth, 395

invades Poland (1939), 373

invincibility, 371‘kulaks’ banned from front line, 355

losses (1941–2), 381–3, 386–7, 410, 420–21 military command, 422, 615

Party control, 422

portrayed as ‘big family’, 162

post-war purge, 464–5, 625

purge, 237–8, 289, 383, 422, 615

recruiting grounds, 341

reform movement, wartime, 441–3 retreat (1941), 381–4, 382, 411, 416

size, 441

Third, 382, 399

women in, 4, 417–19 See also soldiers Red Army Theatre, 500

Red Arsenal Factory, Leningrad, 155n

Redens, Stanislav, 284–5Red Guards, 3, 164

Red Putilov factory, Leningrad, 30

Reds and Whites, children’s game, 24–5Red Terror (1918), 5, 57–8‘reforging’ (perekovka), 205–7,

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