One cannot be in two places at once.
На двух якорях корабль крепче держится.
Good riding at two anchors, men have told, for if one break the other may hold.
На дурака у Бога милости много.
God sends fortune to fools.
На дырявый мешок не наберешься.
A broken sack will hold no corn.
На зло и дурака станет.
That which is evil is soon learned.
На лжи далеко не уедешь.
Lies have short legs.
На людях и горе вполгоря.
Two in distress make sorrow less.
Misery loves company.
A trouble shared is a trouble halved.
Grief is lessened when imparted to others.
It is good to have company in trouble.
На напасть — не напрясть.
Nothing is certain but the unforeseen.
The unexpected always happens.
На наш век дураков станет (да и на ваш хватит).
The world is full of fools.
На незвана гостя не пасена и ложка.
An unbidden guest knows not where to sit.
An unbidden guest must bring his stool with him.
На нищем ничего не сыщешь.
No naked man is sought after to be rifled.
На одном гвозде всего не повесишь.
Do not hang all on one nail.
На охоту ехать — собак кормить.
Have not thy cloak to make when it begins to rain.
На охочего рабочего дело найдется.
All lay load on the willing horse.
На сердитых воду возят.
He that is angry, is seldom at ease.
На словах и так и сяк, а на деле никак.
The greatest talkers are the least doers.
Great braggers, little doers.
They brag most that can do least.
На словах — как на гуслях, а на деле — как на балалайке.
He promises mountains and performs molehills.
На старого и немощи валятся.
Age breeds aches.
Old age is sickness of itself.
На старость жениться — не себе корысть.
He that marries late, marries ill.
На тяжелый воз и рукавицы положишь — так потянут.
It is the last straw that breaks the camel’s back.
The last drop makes the cup run over.