12. Quoted from N. Eidel’man, Mgnoven’e slavy nastaet [The moment of glory is upon us] (Leningrad, 1989).
13. Russkie memuary. XVIII vek [Russian memoirs, eighteenth century] (Moscow, 1988), p. 133.
14. Quoted from G. R. Derzhavin, Stikhotvoreniia [Poetry] (Leningrad, 1957), p. 32.
15. Russkie memuary, p. 151.
16. Ibid., p. 162.
17. Quoted from V. Khodasevich, Derzhavin [Derzhavin] (Moscow, 1988), p.143.
Paul I and Alexander I; Karamzin and Zhukovsky
1. A. S. Pushkin v vospominaniiakh sovremennikov [Reminiscences of A. S. Pushkin by his contemporaries], in two volumes, vol. 2 (Moscow, 1974), p. 196.
2. N. M. Karamzin, Pis’ma russkogo puteshestvennika [Letters of a Russian traveler] (Leningrad, 1984), p. 20.
3. Quoted from Viktor Afanas’ev, Zhukovskii [Zhukovsky] (Moscow, 1986), p. 7.
4. Dnevniki V. A. Zhukovskogo [Journals of V. A. Zhukovsky] (St. Petersburg, 1901), p. 27.
5. Quoted from M. I. Bogdanovich, Istoriia tsarstvovaniia imperatora Aleksandra I i Rossiia v ego vremia [History of the reign of Emperor Alexander I and the Russia of his time], vol. 1 (St. Petersburg, 1869), pp. 18–19.
6. Russkie memuary. XVIII vek [Russian memoirs, eighteenth century] (Moscow, 1988), p. 165.
7. Quoted from V bor’be za vlast’. Stranitsy politicheskoi istorii Rossii XVIII veka [Struggle for power: Pages from the political history of eighteenth-century Russia] (Moscow, 1988), p. 323.
8. Ibid., pp. 363–64.
9. N. M. Karamzin, Zapiska o drevnei i novoi Rossii v ee politicheskom i grazhdanskom otnosheniiakh [The memoir on ancient and modern Russia in political and civic aspects] (Moscow, 1991), p. 46.
10. Quoted from S. F. Platonov, Lektsii po russkoi istorii [Lectures on Russian history] (Moscow, 1993), p. 649.
11. See Andrei Zorin, Kormia dvuglavogo orla … Literatura i gosudarstvennaia ideologiia v Rossii v poslednei treti XVIII—pervoi treti XIX veka [Feeding the double-headed eagle … Literature and official ideology in Russia from the last third of the eighteenth century to the first third of the nineteenth] (Moscow, 2001).
12. Istoriia russkoi zhurnalistiki XVIII–XIX vekov [History of Russian journalism in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries] (Moscow, 1973), p. 101.
13. Karamzin, p. 48.
14. Quoted from Afanas’ev, p. 131.
15. I. A. Krylov v vospominaniiakh sovremennikov [Reminiscences of I. A. Krylov by his contemporaries] (Moscow, 1982), p. 242.
Alexander I, Zhukovsky, and Young Pushkin
1. Andrei Zorin, Kormia dvuglavogo orla … Literatura i gosudartstvennaia ideologiia v Rossii v poslednei treti XVIII— pervoi treti XIX veka [Feeding the double-headed eagle … Literature and official ideology in Russia from the last third of the eighteenth century to the first third of the nineteenth] (Moscow, 2001), p. 269.
2. Ibid., p. 272.
3. Quoted from Russkie memuary. Izbrannye stranitsy. 1800–1825 gg. [Russian memoirs: Selected pages, 1800–1825] (Moscow, 1989), pp. 453, 471.
4. Quoted from Viktor Afanas’ev, Zhukovskii [Zhukovsky] (Moscow, 1986), p. 175.
5. Perepiska A. S. Pushkina. [Correspondence of A. S. Pushkin], in two volumes, vol. 1 (Moscow, 1982), p. 379.
6. A. S. Pushkin v vospominaniiakh sovremennikov [Reminiscences of A. S. Pushkin by his contemporaries], in two volumes, vol. 1 (Moscow, 1974), p. 77.
7. Ibid., p. 88.
8. Ibid., p. 91.
9. T. J. Binyon, Pushkin: A Biography (New York, 2002), p. 31.
10. B. Tomashevskii, Pushkin, vol. 2 (Moscow, 1990), p. 61.
11. Ibid., p. 11.
12. Quoted from N. Ia. Eidel’man, Tvoi XVIII vek. Prekrasen nash soiuz … [Your