eighteenth century, How splendid is our union …] (Moscow, 1991).
13. Solomon Volkov, Dialogi s Iosifom Brodskim [Dialogues with Joseph Brodsky] (Moscow, 1998), p. 307.
14. Quoted from S. F. Platonov, Lektsii po russkoi istorii [Lectures on Russian history], p. 668.
15. Quoted from Rossiiskie samoderzhtsy. 1801–1917 [Russian tsars, 1801–1917] (Moscow, 1994), p. 75.
16. A. S. Pushkin v vospominaniiakh sovremennikov, vol. 2, p. 134.
17. Ibid., p. 98.
18. Ibid., p. 103.
19. Ibid., p. 208.
20. Ibid., pp. 221–22.
21. Quoted from Rossiiskie samoderzhtsy, p. 83.
22. See G. Vasilich, Imperator Aleksandr I i starets Fedor Kuz’mich [Emperor Alexander I and the elder Fedor Kuzmich] (Moscow, 1911); Grand Duke Nikolai Mikhailovich, Legenda o konchine imperatora Aleksandra I v Sibiri v obraze startsa Fedora Kuz’micha [Legend of the death of Alexander I in Siberia under the identity of the elder Fedor Kuzmich] (St. Petersburg, 1907); K. V. Kudriashov, Aleksandr I i taina Fedora Kuz’micha [Alexander I and the mystery of Fedor Kuzmich] (Petrograd, 1923); L. Liubimov, Taina imperatora Aleksandra I [Mystery of Emperor Alexander I] (Paris, 1938); N. Ia. Eidel’man, Iz potaennoi istorii Rossii XVIII–XIX vekov [From the secret history of Russia of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries] (Moscow, 1993); K. V. Chistov, Russkie narodnye sotsial’no-utopicheskie legendy XVII–XIX vv. [Russian popular utopian legends of the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries] (Moscow, 1967); Dva monarkha [Two monarchs] (Moscow, 1991); Aleksandr Arkhangel’skii, Aleksandr I [Alexander I] (Moscow, 2000).
Nicholas I and Pushkin
1. Quoted from the collection 14 dekabria 1825 goda i ego istolkovateli [14 December 1825 and its exponents] (Moscow, 1994), p. 332.
2. Ibid., p. 336.
3. Perepiska A. S. Pushkina. [Correspondence of A. S. Pushkin], in two volumes, vol. 1 (Moscow, 1982), p. 112.
4. Quoted from Leonid Vyskochkov, Nikolai I [Nicholas I] (Moscow, 2003), p. 125.
5. Quoted from N. Eidel’man, Pushkin. Iz biografii i tvorchestva. 1826–1837 [Pushkin: From his biography and works, 1826–1837] (Moscow, 1987), p. 9.
6. Ibid., pp. 33, 35.
7. A. S. Pushkin v vospominaniiakh sovremennikov [Reminiscences of A. S. Pushkin by his contemporaries], in two volumes, vol. 2 (Moscow, 1974), p. 122.
8. Eidel’man, Pushkin, p. 62.
9. Ibid., p. 63.
10. On this, see Solomon Volkov, Shostakovich i Stalin: Khudozhnik i tsar’ (Moscow, 2004), pp. 59–79. English translation, Shostakovich and Stalin: The Extraordinary Relationship Between the Great Composer and the Brutal Dictator (New York, 2004).
11. A. V. Anikin, Muza i mamona. Sotsial’no-ekonomicheskie motivy u Pushkina [Muse and Mammon: Socioeconomic motifs in Pushkin] (Moscow, 1989), p. 180.
12. Perepiska Pushkina, vol. 2, p. 120.
13. N.I. Grech, Zapiski o moei zhizni [Notes on my life] (Moscow and Leningrad, 1930), p. 704.
14. Literaturnoe nasledstvo [Literary heritage], vols. 16–18 (Moscow, 1934), pp. 101, 105.
15. Pisateli-dekabristy v vospominaniiakh sovremennikov [Reminiscences of the Decembrist writers by their contemporaries], vol. 2 (Moscow, 1980), p. 247.
16. Iu. M. Lotman, Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin. Biografiia pisatelia [Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin: Biography of a writer] (Leningrad, 1981), p. 135.
17. T. J. Binyon, Pushkin: A Biography (New York, 2002), p. 546.
18. Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 40 (1999), p. 84.
19. Pushkin v vospominaniiakh sovremennikov, vol. 2, p. 192.
20. Anna Akhmatova, in conversation with the author.
21. Quoted from R. G. Skrynnikov, Pushkin. Taina gibeli [Pushkin: The mystery of his death] (St. Petersburg, 2005), p. 319.