□ Converted sufficient funds to singles in the local currency.
□ Hid ATM and credit cards deep in wallet yet still accessible in case of rare 'twins' scenario.
□ Got drunk.
□ Planted fake 'movie producer' business cards on person where they might 'accidentally' fall out into cleavage of dancer(s).
□ Pledged to avoid dancers with names like Smokey, Hepatitia, and Thunder.
□ Turned off heat/AC in apartment, saving both utility costs
□ Not wearing jeans.
□ Read in-depth synopsis of movie girlfriend thinks you're going to see.
MAC — Memory Assistance and/or Correction — often comes into play around the holidays because when people gather together with loved ones, the need to drink alcohol increases exponentially.
Halloween is a time when Bros are especially susceptible to memory loss due to the lethal combination of abundant sweet things, liquor, and of course, candy. In fact, one year I awoke with four new phone numbers but no idea who gave them to me. Fortunately, based on the times I saved the numbers into my phone and a few hazy memories of the four different costumes I wore at the party the night before, 1 was able to create a logic matrix.
I dressed up as a Viking, a ninja, Teddy Roosevelt, and of course my old standby, Gandhi, and in each costume I picked up a different chick: a slutty nun, a slutty Cinderella, a slutty slut, and a slutty some-kind-of- creature with ears and a tail.
To work the puzzle, put an 'X' in the box when you've ruled it out based on the clues. For example, Clue 1 says I didn't wake up in my ninja costume, so the Ninja/2:21 am box is already crossed out.
1. I didn't wake up in my ninja costume, but I know I ended the night with some tail.
2. The slutty slut was gone by November 1, so she missed my scrumptious Gandhi… she too would go hungry.
3. Both Cinderella and the nun were intrigued by my sword. I was still seeing throwing stars as I changed into my Viking costume.
4. When I first entered the party, I spoke softly to hotties and showed them my 'big stick.' Politically speaking of course — I was dressed as Teddy Roosevelt.
5. I got Cinderella's number early. I was afraid her melons would turn into pumpkins at midnight.
A bride thinks of her wedding day as the happiest day of her life, A groom thinks of his wedding day as the saddest: his marriage signifies the death of Broing out with his Bros. But there's a simple way for the groom to send his Bros out with a bang… bridesmaids.
Squeezed into ugly identical dresses, bridesmaids have one goal: to get out of them. Studies have shown that a cocktail of jealousy, Bros in formal wear, and well, cocktails make a bridesmaid one of the most accessible chicks on the planet.