the book o f signs, manhood or courage but it’s different when

pussy does it. Y ou don’t set up housekeeping, a room with

things; instead you carry it all on you, not on your back tied

down, or on your head piled up; it’s in you, carved in, the cold

on you, you on cement, sexy abrasions, sexy blood, sexy

black and blue, the heat’s on you, your sw eat’s a wet

membrane between you and the weather, all there is, and you

have burns, scars, there’s gray cement, a silver gray under a

tarnished, brassy moon, there’s a cement graveyard, brick

gravestones, the em pty brick buildings; and yo u ’re laid out,

for the fucking. Walt was a fool, a virgin fool; you would have

been ground down, it’s not love, it’s slaughter, you fucking

fool. I’m the field, they fall on me and bruise the ground, you

don’t hear the earth you fall on crying out but a poet should

know. Prophets are fucking fools. What I figured out is that

writers sit in rooms and make it up. M arx made it up. Walt

made it up. Fucking fools like me believe it; do it; foot soldiers

in hell. Sleep is the worst time, God puts you in a fuck-m e

position, you can’t run, you can’t fight, you can’t stay alive

without luck, you’re in the dark and dead, they can get you,

have you, use you; you manage to disappear, become invisible

in the dark, or it’s like being hung out to dry, you’re under

glass, in a museum, all laid out, on display, waiting fpr

whatever gang passes by to piss on you; it’s inside, they’re not

supposed to come inside but there is no inside where they can’t

come, it’s only doors and windows to keep them out, open

sesame and the doors and windows open or they bash them

open and no one stops them and you’re inside laid out for

them, come, hurt me now, I’m lying flat, helpless, some

fucking innocent naked baby, a sweet, helpless thing all curled

up like a fetus as if I were safe, inside her; but there’s nothing

between you and them; she’s not between you and them. Why

did God make you have to sleep? I was born in Camden; I’m

twenty; I can’t remember the last time I heard my name. M y

name is and will the real one please stand up, do you remember

that game show on television, from when it was easy. Women

will whisper it to you, even dirty street women; even leather

women; even mean women. Y ou have to be careful i f you

want it from the street women; they might be harder than you,

know where you’re soft, see through you, you’re all different

with them because maybe they can see through you. M aybe

you’re not the hardest bitch. Maybe she’s going to take from

you. I don’t give; I take. It’s when she’s on me I hear m y name;

doesn’t matter who she is, I love her to death, women are

generous this way, the meanest o f us, I say her name, she says

mine, kisses brushing inside the ear, she’s wet all over me, it’s

all continuous, you’re not in little pieces, I hear m y name like

the sound o f the ocean in a shell; whether she’s saying it or not.

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