Madame Curie o f freedom, or she’s Garbo, or more likely,

she’s Che, she’s got to be a monster o f freedom, a hero o f

loveless love; Napoleon but they didn’t lock her up or she got

loose, now, for me; no beat up junkie fool; no beautiful piece

looking for a hamburger. There’s magnificent women out

here. These lights light you up. Y ou are on Broadw ay and

there are stars o f a high magnitude. There’s the queen o f them

all who taught me— sweet name, Rebecca; ruthless crusher o f

a dyke; honest to God, she’s wearing a gold lame dress when I

meet her in jail when I’m a kid, eighteen, a political prisoner as

it were, as I saw myself, and she loves poetry and she sends me

a pile o f New Yorker magazines because, she says, I’m a poet;

and I don’t want her on me, not in jail, I’m too scared, too

hurt, but she protects me anyway, and I get out fast enough

that I don’t have to do her, and I see her later out here and I

remember her kindness, which it was, real kindness, taking

care o f me in that place, which was w hy I was treated right by

the other inmates as it were; I see her on the street, gold lame

against a window, I see her shimmering, and I go with her for

thanks and because she is grand, and I find out you can be free

in a gold lame dress, in jail, whoring, in black skin, in hunger,

in pain, in strife, the strife o f the streets, perpetual war, gritty,

gray, she’s the wild one with freedom in her soul, it translates

into how you touch, what’s in your fingers, the silk in your

hands, the freedom you take with who you got under you;

you got your freedom and you take theirs for when you are

with them, you are a caretaker o f the fragile freedom in them,

because most women don’t got much, and you don’t be afraid

to take, you turn their skin to flames, you eat them raw, your

name’s all over them, you wrap them up in you, crush them in

you, and what you give is ambition, the ambition to do it

big, do it great, big gestures, free— girls do it big, girls soar,

girls burn, girls take big not puny; stop giving, child, better

to be stole from than to give— stop giving away the little that

you got. I stay with her until she’s finished with me, she’s

doing her art on me, she’s practicing freedom on me; I’m

shaking from it, her great daring, the audacity o f her body on

mine; she’s free on me and I learn from it on me how to do it

and how to be it; flamboyant lovemaking, no apology, dead

serious, we could die right after this and this is the last thing

we know and it’s enough, the last minute, the last time, the

last touch, God comes down through her on me, the good

God, the divine God; master lovemaker, lightning in a girl,

I’ve got a new theology, She’s a rough Girl; and what’s

between m y legs is a running river, She made it then She

rested; a running river; so deep, so long, clear, bright, smart,

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