racing, white foam over a cliff and then a dead drop and then it

keeps on going, running, racing, then the smooth, silk calm, the

deep calm, the long, silk body, smooth. I heard some man say I

put it in her smooth, smooth was a noun, and I knew right

away he liked children, he’s after children, there are such men;

but it’s not what I mean; I mean that together w e’re smooth, it’s

smooth, w e’re smooth on each other, it’s a smooth ride; and if I

died right after I wouldn’t feel cheated or sorry and every time

I’m happy I had her one more second and I feel proud she wants

me; and she’ll disappear, she’ll take someone else, but I’ll sit here

like a dumb little shit until she does, a student, sitting, waiting at

her feet, let her touch me once, then once more, I’m happy near

her, her freedom ’s holding me tight, her freedom ’s on me,

around me, climbing inside me, her freedom ’s embracing me;

wild woman; a wild w om an’s pussy that will not die for some

junkie prick; nor songwriter; nor businessman; nor

philosopher. The men are outside, they want to come in, I

hear them rattling around, death threats, destruction isn’t

quiet or subtle, imagine those for whom it is, safe, blessedly

safe; so in m y last minutes on this earth, perhaps, I am

remembering Rebecca who taught me freedom; I would sit

down quiet next to her, wait for her, watch her; did you ever

love a girl? I’ve loved several; loved. N ot just wanted but

loved in thought or action. Wasn’t raped by any o f them. I

mean, rape’s just a word, it doesn’t mean anything, someone

fucks you, so what? I can’t see complaining about it. But I

wasn’t hurt by any o f them. I don’t mean I w asn’t hurt by love;

shit, that’s what love does, it drags your heart over a bed o f

nails, I was hurt by love, lazy, desperate drinks through long

nights o f pain without her, hurting bad. Wasn’t pushed

around. Saw others who were. It’s not that wom en don’t. It’s

just that it had m y name on it, men said pussy or dyke or

whatever stupid distortion but I saw freedom, I heard Andrea,

I found freedom under her, wrapped around her, her lips on

me and her hands on me, in me, her thighs holding on to me;

there’s always men around waiting to break in, throw

themselves on top, pull you down; but wom en’s different, it’s

a fast, gorgeous trip out o f hell, a hundred-mile-an-hour ride

on a different road in the opposite direction, it’s when you see

an attitude that sets you free, the way she moves breaks you

out, or you touch her shoulder and exhilaration shoots

through you like a needle would do hanging from your vein if

it’s got something good in it; it’s a gold rush; your life’s telling

you that if you’re between her legs you’re free— free’s not

peaceful and not always kind, it’s fast, a shooting star you ride,

i f you’re stupid it shakes you loose and hurls you somewhere

in the sky, no gravity, no fall, just eternal drift to nowhere out

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