past up and down. You can live forever on the curve o f her

hip, attached there in sweat and desire taking the full measure

o f your own human sorrow; you can have this tearing sorrow

with your face pushing on the inside o f her thigh; you can have

her lips on you, her hands pushing on you as if you’re marble

she’s turning into clay, an electricity running all over you

carried in saliva and spit, you’re cosseted in electric shock,

peeing, your hair standing up on end, muscles stretched, lit

up; there’s her around you and in you everywhere, the

rhythm o f your dance and at the same time she’s like the

placenta, you breathe in her, surrounded; it’s something men

don’t know or they’d do it, they could do it, but instead they

want this push, shove, whatever it is they’re doing for

whatever reason, it’s an ignorant meanness, but with a woman

you ’re whole and you’re free, it ain’t pieces o f you flying

around like shit, it ain’t being used up, you got scars bigger

than the freedom you get in everyday life; do it the w ay you ’re

supposed to, you got twenty-four hours a day down on your

knees sucking dick; that’s how girls do hard time. There’s not

many women around who have any freedom in them let alone

some to spare, extravagant, on you, and it’s when they’re on

you you see it best and know it’s real, now and all, there w o n ’t

be anything wilder or finer, it’s pure and true, you see it, you

chase them, they’re on you, you get enraptured in it, once you

got it on you, once you feel it m oving through you, it’s a

contagion o f wanting more than you get being pussy for the

boys, you catch it like a fever, it puts you on a slow bum with

your skin aching and you want it more than you can find it

because most women are beggars and slaves in spirit and in life

and you don’t ever give up wanting it. Otherwise you get

worn down to what they say you are, you get worn down to

pussy, bedraggled; not bewitched, bothered, bewildered; ju st

some wet, ratty, bedraggled thing, semen caked on you, his

piss running down your legs, worn out, old from what yo u ’re

sucking, I’m pretty fucking old and I have been loved by

freedom and I have loved freedom back. Did you ever have a

nightmare? Men coming in’s m y nightmare; entering; I’m in,

knock, knock. There’s writers being assholes about outlaws;

outlaw this, outlaw that, I’m bad, I’m sitting here writing m y

book and I’m bad, I’m typing and I’m bad, m y secretary’s

typing and I’m bad, I got laid, the boys say, like their novels

are letters home to mama, well, hell’s bells, the boys got laid:

more than once. It’s something to write home about, all right;

costs fifty bucks, too; they found dirty wom en they did it to,

dirty women too fucking poor to have a typewriter to stu ff up

bad boy w riter’s ass. Shit. Y ou follow his cock around the big,

bad city: N ew Y ork, Paris, Rom e— same city, same cock.

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