her but I’m devouring her at the same time which means she

knows I’m a fool; she’s acting harmless but maybe it’s a lie, my

instincts say it’s a lie, there’s no harmless women left alive this

time o f night, not on these streets. Y ou risk too much if you go

with a woman who needs less than you do; if you don’t have

to, if you have a choice, you don’t take risks— you could lose

your heart or your money or your speed; fucking fool who has

a choice and doesn’t use it; it’s stupid middle-class girls you

have to find or street women past wanting, past ambition,

they live on bits o f this and pieces o f that, they’re not looking

for any heavy score, they live almost on air, it’s pat, habit, they

don’t need you, but sometimes they like a taste; survival’s an

art, there are nuances, she’s a dangerous piece o f shit, stunning

black eyes, and I’m smitten, and I walk out, look behind me,

she came out, watched me, didn’t follow, made me nervous, I

don’t often pass up what I want, I don’t like doing it, it leaves

an ache, don’t like to ache too long without distracting m yself

by activity, anything to pass the time, and it makes me restless

and careless, to want someone like that; I wanted her, she

wanted food, money, most o f what happens happens for food,

all kinds o f food, deep hungers that rock you in their

everloving arms, rocked to eternal sleep by what you need, the

song o f myself, I need; need her; remember her; need women;

need to hear m y name; wanted her; she wanted food. What’s

inside you gets narrow and mean— it’s an edge, it cuts, it’s a

slice o f sharp, a line at the blade’s end, no surface, no waste, no

tease, a thin line where your meanest edge meets the air; an

edge, no blade you can see. If you could stomp on me, this is

what yo u ’d see— a line, touch it, yo u ’re slivers. I’d be cut

glass, yo u ’d be feet. Y o u ’d dance blood. The edge o f the blade,

no surface, just what cuts, a thin line, touch it, draw blood.

Inside, nothing else is alive. Where’s the love I dream of. I hole

up, like a bug in a rug. There’s women who bore me; wasted

time; the taste o f death; junkie time; a junkie woman comes to

me, long, languid afternoons making love but I didn’t like it,

she got beat up by her boyfriend, she’s sincerely in love, black

and blue, loving you, and he’s her source; pure love; true

romance. D on ’t like m ixing women with obligation— in this

case, the obligation to redeem her from pain. I want to want; I

like wanting, ju st so it gets fulfilled and I don’t have to wait too

long; I like the ache just long enough to make what touches it

appreciated a little more, a little drama, a little pain. I don’t like

no beat-up piece o f shit; junkie stooge. Y ou don’t want the

edge o f the blade to get dull; then you got dullness inside and

this you can’t afford. The w om an’s got to be free; a beast o f

freedom; not a predator needing a bow l o f fucking soup, not a

fool needing a fucking fix; she’s got to give freedom off, exude

it, she’s got to be grand with freedom, all swelled up with it, a

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