We’re twisted around each other inside slime and sweat and

tear drops, w e’re the wave and the surf, the undercurrent, the

pounding o f the tidal wave halfway around the world banging

the beach on a bright, sunny day, the tide, high tide, low tide,

under the moon or under a black sky, w e’re the sand wet and

hard deserted by the water, the sand under the water, gravel

and shell and m oving claws crawling. I remember this one

woman because I wanted her so bad but something was

wrong, she was lying to me, telling me m y lie but no woman

lies to me. There’s this woman at night I remember, in a

restaurant I go when I’m taking a break, kosher restaurant

with old men waiters, all night it’s open, big room, plain

tables, high ceilings, ballroom high and wide, big, em pty

feeling, old, old building, in N ew Y o rk , wide dow ntow n

street, gray street, fluorescent lights, a greenish light on green

walls, oil paint, green, the old men have thick Jew ish accents,

they’re slow m oving, you can feel their bones aching, I sit

alone over coffee and soup and she’s there at the next table, the

room ’s em pty but she sits at the table next to me, black leather

pants, she’s got black hair, painted black, like I always wanted,

and I want her but I’m her prey because she wants a bow l o f

fucking soup, she’s picked me, she’s coming for me, how did

that happen, how did it get all fucked up, she sees me as the

mark because I’ve got the food which means I’ve got the

money and I can’t go with her now because she has an

underlying bad motive, she wants to eat, and what I feel for

her is complete sex, so I’m the dope; and I don’t do the dopey

part; it’s m y game and she’s playing it on me; she’s got muscles

and I want to see the insides o f her thighs, I want to feel them, I

want her undressed, I want her legs around m y shoulders, she

smiles, asks me how I am; be a fool, tell her how you are. I

look right through her. I stare right through her while I’m

deciding what to do. I ain’t giving; I take. I want to be with

her, I want to be between her legs and all over her and her

thighs a vise around m y neck; I want m y teeth in her; I want

her muscles squeezing me to death and I want to push dow n on

her shoulders and I want m y thighs crushing down on her, all

m y weight on her hips, m y skin, bluish, on the inside o f m y

thighs feeling her bones; but I'm the mark, that’s how she sees

it, and maybe she’s meaner than me, or crazy, or harder, or

feels less, or needs less, so she’s on top and she takes; how

many times have I done what she’s doing now and did they

want me the w ay I want her; well, they’re stupid and I’m not;

it hurts not to take her with me, I could put m y hand on her

and she’d come, I stare right through her, I look right through

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