to kill him but I just can’t bear them no longer, really, and it’s

unknown i f I could do it to me; so fast; but I keep practicing in

m y mind so if the time comes I w o n ’t even think. It would be

the right thing. I don’t really believe in hurting him or anyone.

I have the knife; I can’t stand to think about using it, what it

would be like, or going to jail for hurting him, I never wanted

to kill anybody and I’d do almost anything not to. I know the

men outside, they’re neighborhood, this block, they broke in

before, in daylight, smashed everything, took everything,

they ran riot in here, they tell me they’re coming to fuck me,

they say so out on the street, hanging on the stoop; they say so.

T h ey’ve broken in here before, that’s when I started sleeping

with the knife. Inside there’s too many hours to dawn; too

many hours o f dark to hold them off; they’ll get in; I know this

small world as well as they do, I know what they can do and

what they can’t do and once it’s night they can break the door

down and no one will stop them; and the police don’t come

here; you never see a cop here; there’s no w ay to keep them out

and m y blood’s running cold from the banging, from the noise

o f them, fists, knives, I don’t know what, sticks, I guess,

maybe baseball bats, the arsenal o f the streets. The telephone’s

worthless, they cut the wire when they broke in; but no one

would come. This is the loneliest I ever knew existed; now;

them banging. There’s things you learn, tricks; no one can

hurt me. I’m not some stupid piece o f shit. Y ou got a gang

outside, banging, making threats. They want to come in;

fuck. T h ey’ll kill me; fuck me dead or kill me after. It’s like

anything, you have to face what’s true, you don’t get to say if

you want to handle it or not, you handle it to stay alive. So

what’s it to me; if I can just get through it; minimum damage,

minimum pain, the goal o f all women all the time and it’s not

different now. If you’re ever attacked by a gang you have to

get the leader. If you get him, disable him, pull him away from

the others, kill him, render him harmless, the others are

nothing. If you miss him, attack him but miss, wound him,

irritate him, aggravate him, rile him, humiliate him without

taking him out, you are human waste, excreta. So it’s clear;

there’s one way. There’s him. I have to get him. if I can pull

him away from them, to me, I have a chance; a chance. I open

the door. I think if I grab him between the legs I’m in charge; if

I pull his thing. I learn the limits o f m y philosophy. Every

philosophy’s got them. I ain’t in charge. It’s fast. It’s simple. I

open the door. It’s a negotiation. The agreement is he comes

in, they stay out; he doesn’t bring the big knife he has in with

him; it stays outside; if I mess with him, he will hurt me with it

and turn me over to them; if anything bad happens to him or if

I don’t make him happy, he will turn me over to them. This is

consent, right? I opened the door myself. I picked him. I just

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