got to survive him; and tom orrow find a w ay out; away from

here. He comes in; he’s Pedro or Jo e or Juan; he swaggers,

touches everything, there’s not much left he notes with

humor; he wants me to cook him dinner; he finds m y knife; he

keeps it; he keeps saying what he’ll do to me with it; I cook; he

drinks; he eats; he keeps talking; he brags; he talks about the

gang, keeps threatening me, what he’ll do to me, what they’ll

do to me, aspects o f lovemaking the gang would also enjoy

and maybe he’ll just let them in now or there’s time after,

they’re waiting, right outside, maybe he’ll call them in but

they can come back tom orrow night too, there’s time, no need

to w orry, nice boys in the gang, a little rough but I’ll enjoy

them, w o n ’t I? Then he’s ready; he’s excited himself; he’s even

fingered him self and rubbed himself. Like the peace boys he

talks with his legs spread wide open, his fingers lightly

caressing his cock, the denim pulled tight, exerting its own

pressure. He goes to the bed and starts to undress and he runs

one hand through the hair on his chest and he holds the knife in

the other hand, he fingers the knife, he rubs his thumb over it

and he caresses it and he keeps talking, seductive talk about

how good he is and how good the knife is and I’m going to like

them both and he’s got a cross on a chain around his neck and it

glistens in his hair, it’s silver and his skin is tawny and his hair

on his chest is black and curly and thick and it shines and I’m

staring at it thinking it shouldn’t be there, the shiny cross, I am

having these highly moral thoughts against the blasphemy o f

the cross on his chest, I think it is w rong and concentrate on

the im m orality o f wearing it now, doing this, w hy does he

wear it, what does it mean, his shirt is o ff and his pants are

coming o ff and he is rapturous with the knife in his hand and I

look at the cross and I look at the knife and I think they are both

for me, he will hold the knife, maybe I can touch the cross, I

will try to touch it all through and maybe it will be something

or mean something or I w o n ’t feel so frightened, so alone in

this life now, and I think I will just touch it, and there’s him,

there’s the cross, there’s the knife, and I’m under them and I

don’t know, I will never remember, the hours are gone, blank,

a tunnel o f nothing, and I’m naked, the bell rings, it’s light

outside so it’s been five hours, six, there’s a knock on the door,

insistent knocking, he says don’t answer it, he says don’t

move, he holds the knife against me, just under m y skin, the

tip just under it, and I try to fight for m y life, I say it’s a friend

who expects me to be here and will not go away and I will have

to answer the door and I w on’t say anything and I w on’t tell or

say anything bad, I will just go to the door to tell m y friend to

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