there with him, o f course. I had no place to stay. I was outside

all night. It rained the whole night. I didn’t have anywhere to

go or anywhere to live. I had gone with a few different men,

had places to stay for a few weeks, but now I was alone, didn’t

want no one, didn’t have a bed or a room. He came to find me

and he stayed with me; outside; the long night; in rain; not in a

bed; not for the fuck; not. Rain is so hard. It stops but you stay

wet for so long after and you get cold always no matter what

the weather because you are swathed in wet cloth and time

goes by and you feel like a baby someone left in ice water and

even if it’s warm outside and the air around you heats up you

get colder anyw ay because the w et’s up against you, wrapped

around you and it don’t breathe, it stays heavy, intractable, on

you; and so rain is very hard and when it rains you get sad in a

frightened w ay and you feel a loneliness and a desolation that is

very big. This is always so once you been out there long

enough. I f yo u ’re inside it don’t matter— you still get cold and

lonely; afraid; sad. So when the boy came to stay with me in

the rain I took him to m y heart. I made him m y friend in my

heart. I pledged friendship, a whisper o f intention. I made a

promise. I didn’t say nothing; it was a minute o f honor and

affection. About four in the morning we found a cafe. It’s a

long w ay to dawn when you’re cold and tired. We scraped up

money for coffee, pulled change out o f our pockets, a rush o f

silver and slugs, and we pooled it on the table which is like

running blood together because nothing was held back and so

we were like blood brothers and when m y blood brother

disappeared I went looking for him, I went to the address

where he lived, a cold, awful place, I asked his terrible mother

where he was, I asked, I waited for an answer, I demanded an

answer, I went to the local precinct, I made them tell me,

where he was, how to find him, how much money it took to

spring him, I went to get him, he was far away, hidden away

like Rapunzel or something, a long bus ride followed by

another long bus ride, he was in a real prison, not some funky

little jail, not some county piss hole, a great gray concrete

prison in the middle o f nowhere so they can find you if you

run, nail you, and I took all m y money, m y blood, m y life for

today and tom orrow a n d : he next day and for as long as there

was, as far ahead as I can count, and I gave it like a donor for his

life so he could be free, so the piglets couldn’t put him in a

cage, couldn’t keep him there; so he could be what he was, this

very great thing, a free man, a poor boy who had become a

revolutionary man; he was pure— courage and action, a wild

boy, so wild no one had ever got near him before, I wish I was

so brave as him; he was manic, dizzying, m oving every

second, a frenzy, frenetic and intense with a mask o f joviality,

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