62 “We pay attention”: Ibid.
63 “most important, their social circle”: Ibid.
63 “make it available to publishers”: Ibid.
63 Americans lost more faith in news: “Press Accuracy Rating Hits Two Decade Low; Public Evaluations of the News Media: 1985–2009,” Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, Sept. 13, 2009, accessed Dec. 11, 2010, http://people- press.org/report/543/.
64 “
65 unplugging from cable TV offerings: Erick Schonfeld, “Estimate: 800,000 U.S. Households Abandoned Their TVs for the Web,”
65 “change the ad industry forever”: “Google Vice President: Online Video and TV Will Converge,” June 25, 2010, Appmarket.tv, accessed Dec. 11, 2010, www.appmarket.tv/news/160 -breaking-news/440-google-vice-president-online-video-and-tv-will-converge.html.
66 know people who live near us: Bill Bishop,
67 “watch television to turn your brain off”: Jason Snell, “Steve Jobs on the Mac’s 20th Anniversary,”
67 thirty-six hours a week: “Americans Using TV and Internet Together 35% More Than a Year Ago,” nielsenwire, Mar. 22, 2010, accessed Dec. 11, 2010, http://blog.nielsen.com/nielsenwire/online_mobile/three-screen-report-q409.
68 quit channel surfing far more quickly: Paul Klein, as quoted in Marcus Prior,
68 like your own personal TV channel: “YouTube Leanback Offers Effortless Viewing,”
69 onto the Big Board, and you’re liable to get a raise: Ben McGrath, “Search and Destroy: Nick Denton’s Blog Empire,”
70 “come to us for our judgment”: Jeremy Peters, “Some Newspapers, Tracking Readers Online, Shift Coverage,”
71 gin up stories that will get clicks: Danna Harman, “In Chile, Instant Web Feedback Creates the Next Day’s Paper,”
71 “creating content in response to audience insight”: Jeremy Peters, “At Yahoo, Using Searches to Steer News Coverage,”
72 the newspaper’s most e-mailed stories: Jonah A. Berger and Katherine L. Milkman, “Social Transmission and Viral Culture,” Social Science Research Network Working Paper Series (Dec. 25, 2009): 2.
72 “Woman in Sumo Wrestler Suit”:
72 sex with a horse: Danny Westneat, “Horse Sex Story Was Online Hit,”
72 world’s ugliest dog: Ben Margot, “Rescued Chihuahua Princess Abby Wins World’s Ugliest Dog Contest, Besting Boxer Mix Pabst,”
72 “everyone sees the same thing”: Carl Bialik, “Look at This Article. It’s One of Our Most Popular,”
73 “little need to share marketing information”: Andrew Alexander, “Making the Online Customer King at The Post,”
73 “whether you want to hear this or not”: Nicholas Negroponte, interview with author, Truckee, CA, Aug. 5, 2010.
73 “Gawker’s Big Board is a scary extreme”: Professor Michael Schudson, interview with author, New York, NY, Aug. 13, 2010.
73 stories about the war in Afghanistan: Simon Dumenco, “Google News Cares More About Facebook, Twitter and Apple Than Iraq, Afghanistan,”
74 “not to pursue some important stories”: Alexander, “Making the Online Customer King.”
75 “periodically be alarmed when there is a crisis?”: Shirky, interviewed by Jay Rosen.
75 “consequences of conjoint and interacting behavior”: John Dewey,