Chapter Three: The Adderall Society
77 “contact with persons dissimilar to themselves”: John Stuart Mill,
77 “reminds one more of a sleepwalker’s”: Arthur Koestler,
78 “but I don’t want to talk here”: Henry Precht, interview with Ambassador David E. Mark, Foreign Affairs Oral History Project, Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training, July 28, 1989, accessed Dec. 14, 2010, %20files/2004mar02.txt.
78 the two men planned a meeting: Ibid.
78 “all I want is my money”: Ibid.
78 “I was snookered”: John Limond Hart,
78 defect and resettle in the United States: Ibid., 135.
79 James Jesus Angleton… was skeptical: Ibid., 140.
79 CIA’s documents indicated otherwise: “Yuri Ivanovich Nosenko, a Soviet defector, Died on August 23rd, Aged 80,”
79 subjected to polygraph tests: Ibid.
80 sent to the Russian front as punishment: Richards J. Heuer Jr., “Nosenko: Five Paths to Judgment,”
80 set him up in a new identity: David Stout, “Yuri Nosenko, Soviet Spy Who Defected, Dies at 81,”
80 news of his death was relayed: Ibid.
81 full of laudatory comments: Richards J. Heuer Jr.,
81 “analysts should be self-conscious”: Ibid., xiii.
82 secondhand and in a distorted form: Ibid., xx–xxi.
82 “To achieve the clearest possible image”: Ibid., xxi–xxii.
83 “predictably irrational”: Dan Ariely,
83 figuring out what makes us happy: Dan Gilbert,
83 only one part of the story: Kathryn Schulz,
84 “Information wants to be reduced”: Nassim Nicholas Taleb,
85 quickly converted into schemata: Doris Graber,
85 “condensation of all features of a story”: Ibid., 161.
85 woman celebrating her birthday: Steven James Breckler, James M. Olson, and Elizabeth Corinne Wiggins,
86 added details to their memories: Graber,
86 Princeton versus Dartmouth: A. H. Hastorf and H. Cantril, “They Saw a Game: A Case Study,”
87 experts’ predictions weren’t even close: Philip E. Tetlock,
88 a process of assimilation and accommodation: Jean Piaget,
89 the idea that Obama was a Muslim: Jonathan Chait, “How Republicans Learn That Obama Is Muslim,
89 “actually become mis-educated”: Ibid.
89 two modified versions of “The Country Doctor”: Travis Proulx and Steven J. Heine, “Connections from Kafka: Exposure to Meaning Threats Improves Implicit Learning of an Artificial Grammar,”
90 “A severe snowstorm filled the space”: Franz Kafka,
90 “Once one responds to a false alarm”: Ibid.
90 “strived to make sense”: Proulx and Heine, “Connections from Kafka.”
91 presented with an “information gap”: George Loewenstein, “The Psychology of Curiosity: A Review and Reinterpretation,”
91 “shields the searcher from such radical encounters”: Siva Vaidhyanathan,
91 “only give you answers”: Pablo Picasso, as quoted in Gerd Leonhard, Media Futurist Web site, Dec. 8, 2004, accessed Feb. 9, 2011,
92 “On Adderall, I was able to work”: Joshua Foer, “The Adderall Me: My Romance with ADHD Meds,”
92 “pressures [to use enhancing drugs] are only going to grow”: Margaret Talbot, “Brain Gain: The Underground World of ‘Neuroenhancing Drugs,’”
93 “I think ‘inside the box’”: Erowid Experience Vaults, accessed Dec. 14, 2010, ID=56716.
93 “a generation of very focused accountants”: Talbot, “Brain Gain.”
94 “an analogy no one has ever seen”: Arthur Koestler,
94 “uncovers, selects, re-shuffles, combines, synthesizes”: Ibid., 86.
95 the key to creative thought: Hans Eysenck,