139 “peer pressure, and self-censorship”: Fallows, “Connection Has Been Reset.”
140 “sense that they’re looking at everything”: Thompson, “Google’s China Problem.”
140 “Internet Police will maintain order”: Hong Yan, “Image of Internet Police: JingJang and Chacha Online,”
140 “see my friends, live happily”: Thompson, “Google’s China Problem.”
140 “if Internet users have some porn”: Associated Press, “Web Porn Seeps Through China’s Great Firewall,” July 22, 2010, accessed Dec. 17, 2010, www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/ 07/22/tech/main6703860.shtml.
141 “trying to nail Jell-O to the wall”: Bill Clinton, “America’s Stake in China,”
142 “able to get handheld American flags?”: Laura Miller and Sheldon Rampton, “The Pentagon’s Information Warrior: Rendon to the Rescue,”
142 “border patrols [are] replaced by beaming patrols”: John Rendon, as quoted in Franklin Foer, “Flacks Americana,”
142 thesaurus: John Rendon, phone interview by author, Nov. 1, 2010.
143 “consume, distribute, and create”: Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen, “The Digital Disruption: Connectivity and the Diffusion of Power,”
144 Flatow was an Olympic gymnast: Stephen P. Halbrook, “‘Arms in the Hands of Jews Are a Danger to Public Safety’: Nazism, Firearm Registration, and the Night of the Broken Glass,
145 the cloud “is actually just a handful of companies”: Clive Thompson, interview with author, Brooklyn, NY, Aug. 13, 2010.
145 there was nowhere to go: Peter Svensson, “WikiLeaks Down? Cables Go Offline After Site Switches Servers,”
145 “lose your constitutional protections immediately”: Christopher Ketcham and Travis Kelly, “The More You Use Google, the More Google Knows About You,”
146 “cops will love this”: “Does Cloud Computing Mean More Risks to Privacy?,”
146 the three companies quickly complied: Antone Gonsalves, “Yahoo, MSN, AOL Gave Search Data to Bush Administration Lawyers,”
146 predict future real-world events: Ketcham and Kelly, “The More You Use Google.”
146 “an individual must increasingly give information”: Jonathan Zittrain,
147 “an implicit bargain in our behavior”: John Battelle, phone interview with author, Oct. 12, 2010.
147 “redistribution of information power”: Viktor Mayer-Schonberger,
148 real-world violence: George Gerbner, “TV Is Too Violent Even Without Executions,”
149 “who tells the stories of a culture”: “Fighting ‘Mean World Syndrome,’”
149 friendly world syndrome: Dean Eckles, “The ‘Friendly World Syndrome’ Induced by Simple Filtering Rules,”
149 gravitated toward Like: “What’s the History of the Awesome Button (That Eventually Became the Like Button) on Facebook?” Quora Forum, accessed Dec. 17, 2010, www.quora.com/Facebook- company/Whats-the-history-of-the-Awesome-Button-that-eventually-became-the-Like-button-on-Facebook.
151 “against the cruise line industry”: Hollis Thomases, “Google Drops Anti-Cruise Line Ads from AdWords,” Web Ad.vantage, Feb. 13, 2004, accessed Dec. 17, 2010, www.webadvantage.net/webadblog/google-drops-anti-cruise-line-ads-from-adwords-338.
151–52 identify who was persuadable: “How Rove Targeted the Republican Vote,”
152 “Amazon’s recommendation engine is the direction”: Mark Steitz and Laura Quinn, “An Introduction to Microtargeting in Politics,” accessed Dec. 17, 2010, www.docstoc.com/docs/43575201/An-Introduction-to-Microtargeting-in-Politics.
153 round-the-clock “war room”: “Google’s War Room for the Home Stretch of Campaign 2010,” e.politics, Sept. 24, 2010, accessed Feb. 9, 2011, www.epolitics.com/2010/09/24/googles-war-room-for-the-home-stretch-of-campaign-2010/.
155 “campaign wanted to spend on Facebook”: Vincent R. Harris, “Facebook’s Advertising Fluke,”