183 sold to eBay for $1.5 billion: Troy Wolverton, “It’s official: eBay Weds PayPal,”
183 “impact and force change”: Peter Thie, “Education of a Libertarian,”
183 “end the inevitability of death and taxes”: Chris Baker, “Live Free or Drown: Floating Utopias on the Cheap,”
183 “ ‘capitalist democracy’ into an oxymoron”: Thiel, “Education of a Libertarian.”
184 “makes a living being against computers”: Nicholas Carlson, “Peter Thiel Says Don’t Piss Off the Robots (or Bet on a Recovery),”
184 “which technologies to foster”: Ronald Bailey, “Technology Is at the Center,” Reason.com, May 2008, accessed Dec. 16, 2010, http://reason.com/archives/2008/05/01/technology-is-at-the- center/singlepage.
184 “way I think about the business”: Deepak Gopinath, “PayPal’s Thiel Scores 230 Percent Gain with Soros-Style Fund,” CanadianHedgeWatch .com
184 “that voting will make things better”: Peter Thiel, “Your Suffrage Isn’t in Danger. Your Other Rights Are,”
185 talked to Scott Heiferman: Interview with author, New York, NY, Oct. 5, 2010.
188 “good or bad, nor is it neutral”: Melvin Kranzberg, “Technology and History: ‘Kranzberg’s Laws,’”
Chapter Seven: What You Want, Whether You Want It or Not
189 “millions of people doing complicated things”: Noah Wardrip-Fruin and Nick Montfort,
189 “yet to be completely correlated”: Isaac Asimov,
190 “you’ve got a problem”: Bill Jay, phone interview with author, Oct. 10, 2010.
191 ads tailored to her: Jason Mick, “Tokyo’s ‘Minority Report’ Ad Boards Scan Viewer’s Sex and Age,” Daily Tech, July 16, 2010, accessed Dec. 17, 2010, www.dailytech.com/Tokyos +Minority+Report+Ad+Boards+Scan+Viewers+Sex+and+Age/article19063.htm.
191 the future of art: David Shields,
193 interrogated by a virtual agent: M. Ryan Calo, “People Can Be So Fake: A New Dimension to Privacy and Technology Scholarship,”
193 Kismet increased donations by 30 percent: Vanessa Woods, “Pay Up, You Are Being Watched,”
193 “Computers programmed to be polite”: Calo, “People Can Be So Fake.”
194 “not evolved to twentieth-century technology”: Ibid.
195 identity and criminal record in seconds: Maureen Boyle, “Video: Catching Criminals? Brockton Cops Have an App for That,”
195 “other images of you with ninety-five percent accuracy”: Jerome Taylor, “Google Chief: My Fears for Generation Facebook,”
197 “The future is already here”: William Gibson, interview on NPR’s
197 your identity already tagged: “RFID Bracelet Brings Facebook to the Real World,” Aug. 20, 2010, accessed Dec. 17, 2010, www.psfk.com/2010/08/rfid-bracelet-brings-facebook-to-the-real-world.html.
198 “real world that can be indexed”: Reihan Salam, “Why Amazon Will Win the Internet,”
198 “some have termed ‘smart dust’”: David Wright, Serge Gutwirth, Michael Friedewald, Yves Punie, and Elena Vildjiounaite,
199 four-year joint effort: Google/Harvard press release. “Digitized Book Project Unveils a Quantitative ‘Cultural Genome,’” accessed Feb. 8, 2011, http://www.seas.harvard.edu/news-events/news- archive/2010/digitized-books.
200 “censorship and propaganda”: Ibid.
200 nearly sixty languages: Google Translate Help Page, accessed Feb. 8, 2011, http://translate.google.com/support/?hl=en.
201 better and better: Nikki Tait, “Google to translate European patent claims,”
202 “what to do with them”: Danny Sullivan, phone interview with author, Sept. 10, 2010.
202 “flash crash”: Graham Bowley, “Stock Swing Still Baffles, with an Ominous Tone,”