New York Times, Aug. 22, 2010, accessed Feb. 8, 2010,

202 provocative article in Wired: Chris Anderson, “The End of Theory: The Data Deluge Makes the Scientific Method Obsolete,” Wired, June 23, 2008, accessed Feb. 10, 2010,

203 greatest achievement of human technology: Hillis quoted in Jennifer Riskin, Genesis Redux: Essays in the History and Philosophy of Artificial Life (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007), 200.

204 “advertiser-funded media”: Marisol LeBron, “ ‘Migracorridos’: Another Failed Anti- immigration Campaign,” North American Congress of Latin America, Mar. 17, 2009, accessed Dec. 17, 2010,

205 characters using the companies’ products throughout: Mary McNamara, “Television Review: ‘The Jensen Project,’” Los Angeles Times, July 16, 2010, accessed Dec. 17, 2010,

205 product-placement hooks throughout: Jenni Miller, “Hansel and Gretel in 3D? Yeah, Maybe.” Moviefone blog, July 19, 2010, accessed Dec. 17, 2010,

205 the corporate owner of Lipslicks: Motoko Rich, “Product Placement Deals Make Leap from Film to Books,” New York Times, Nov. 9, 2008, accessed Dec. 17, 2010, pagewanted=all.

207 increase “purchase intentions” by 21 percent: John Hauser and Glen Urban, “When to Morph,” Aug. 2010, accessed Dec. 17, 2010, Liberali_When_to_Morph_Aug_2010.pdf.

207 “turn it into useful information”: Jane Wardell, “Raytheon Unveils Scorpion Helmet Technology,” Associated Press, July 23, 2010, accessed Dec. 17, 2010 at

208 “turns the whole world into a display”: Wardell, “Raytheon Unveils Scorpion Helmet Technology.”

208 TV experience overlaid on a real game: Michael Schmidt, “To Pack a Stadium, Provide Video Better Than TV,” New York Times, July 28, 2010, accessed Dec. 17, 2010,

208 AugCog, which uses cognitive neuroscience: Augmented Cognition International Society Web site, accessed Dec. 17, 2010,

209 500 percent increase in working memory: “Computers That Read Your Mind,” Economist, Sept. 21, 2006, accessed Dec. 17, 2010, story_id=7904258.

209 at least sixteen different ways: Gary Hayes, “16 Top Augmented Reality Business Models,” Personalize Media (Gary Hayes’s blog), Sept. 14, 2009, accessed Dec. 17, 2010,

210 solve problems for people: Chris Coyne, interview with author, New York, NY, Oct. 6, 2010.

211 “reality” is “one of the few words”: Vladimir Nabokov, Lolita (New York: Random House, 1997), 312.

213 powering the marketing campaigns: David Wright et al., Safeguards in a World of Ambient Intelligence (London: Springer, 2008), 66, accessed through Google eBooks, Feb. 8, 2011.

214 “machines make more of their decisions”: Bill Joy, “Why the Future Doesn’t Need Us,” Wired (Apr. 2000) accessed Dec. 17, 2010,

Chapter Eight: Escape from the City of Ghettos

217 “the nature of his own person”: Christopher Alexander et al., A Pattern Language (New York: Oxford University Press, 1977), 8.

217 “Long Live the Web” Sir Tim Berners-Lee, “Long Live the Web: A Call for Continued Open Standards and Neutrality,” Scientific American, Nov. 22, 2010.

219 “need to address the core issues”: Bill Joy, phone interview with author, Oct. 1 2010.

220 ideal nook for kids: Alexander et al., A Pattern Language, 445, 928–29.

220 “distinct pattern language”: Ibid., xvi.

220 “city of ghettos”: Ibid., 41–43.

221 “dampens all significant variety”: Ibid., 43.

221 “move easily from one to another”: Ibid., 48.

221 “support for his idiosyncrasies”: Ibid.

222 “psychological equivalent of obesity”: danah boyd. “Streams of Content, Limited Attention: The Flow of Information through Social Media,” Web2.0 Expo. New York, NY: Nov. 17, 2007, accessed July 19, 2008,< /p>

223 how to build a better mousetrap: “A Better Mousetrap,” This American Life no. 366, aired Oct. 10, 2008, better-mousetrap-2008.

223 you’ll catch your mouse: Ibid.

223 “jumping out of that recursion loop”: Matt Cohler, phone interview with author, Nov. 23, 2010.

226 organ donation rates in different European countries: Dan Ariely as quoted in Lisa Wade, “Decision Making and the Options We’re Offered,” Sociological Images blog, Feb. 17, 2010, accessed Dec. 17, 2010, the-options-were-offered/.

229 “only when regulation is transparent”: Lawrence Lessig, Code (New York: Basic Books, 2006), 260, 1

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