славный будет шумок,Как в движенье придут они!»И ночью при свете Багровой ЛуныПлясали под Флейту Примата, полныТакого счастья они, просто ах,На широких зелёных Древесных листахБлиз Хитро-Вангла Куи.
IShe sate upon her Dobie,To watch the Evening Star,And all the Punkahs as they passed,Cried, 'My! how fair you are!Around her bower, with quivering leaves,The tall Kamsamahs grew,And Kitmutgars in wild festoonsHung down from Tchokis blue.IIBelow her home the river rolledWith soft meloobious sound,Where golden-finned Chuprassies swam,In myriads circling round.Above, on tallest trees remoteGreen Ayahs perched alone,And all night long the Mussak moan'dIts melancholy tone.IIIAnd where the purple Nullahs threwTheir branches far and wide, — And silvery Goreewallahs flewIn silence, side by side, —The little Bheesties' twittering cryRose on the fragrant air,And oft the angry Jampan howledDeep in his hateful lair.IVShe sate upon her Dobie, — She heard the Nimmak hum, —When all at once a cry arose, —'The Cummerbund is come!In vain she fled: – with open jawsThe angry monster followed,And so, (before assistence came,)That Lady Fair was swallowed.VThey sought in vain for even a boneRespectfully to bury, —They said, – 'Hers was a dreadful fate!(And Echo answered 'Very. )They nailed her Dobie to the wall,Where last her form was seen,And underneath they wrote these words,In yellow, blue, and green: —Beware, ye Fair! Ye Fair, beware!Nor sit out late at night, —Lest horrid Cummerbunds should come,And swallow you outright.КамербандИндийская поэма [2]IОна, на Доби сидя,Глядела на Звезду,Галдели Панкахи кругом:«Красива на беду!»Камсамахи вокруг неёРосли в листве густой,И Китмутгары вниз теклиИз Тчоки голубой.IIВнизу ручей бежал, струяСвой мелубичный звук,Чупрасси стаями вились,Чертя за кругом круг.Вверху, на дальних деревах,Зелёных Ай привал,И грустный Массак до утраСтенал и подвывал.IIIГде Наллахи тянулись ввысь,И вдоль, и поперёк,И Гориволлахи неслисьБесшумно, к боку бок,Там крошки Бхисти, щебеча,Вдыхали ароматыИ часто злобный Джампан выл,Берлогою объятый.IVОна сидит на Доби,И Ниммак слышен ей,Как вдруг возник ужасный крик:«О Камербанд, злодей!»Она бежать, но тщетно —Разверзнув пасть, уродБеспомощную ЛедиСожрал, как бутерброд.VХотя бы косточку найтиБыл каждый озабоченИ молвил: «Горестный удел!»(А Эхо: «Очень, очень…»)Прибили Доби ко стене,Сидела Леди, мол, там,И снизу вывели словаЗелёным, синим, жёлтым:«О Леди! Бдите! По домамСидите в поздний час! Чтоб Камербанды не пришлиИ не сожрали вас!»
The Akond of Swat
Who, or why, or which, or what, Is the Akond of SWAT?Is he tall or short, or dark or fair?Does he sit on a stool or a sofa or a chair,or SQUAT,The Akond of Swat? Is he wise or foolish, young or old?Does he drink his soup and his coffee cold,or HOT,The Akond of Swat? Does he sing or whistle, jabber or talk,And when riding abroad does he gallop or walkor TROT,The Akond of Swat?Does he wear a turban, a fez, or a hat?Does he sleep on a mattress, a bed, or a mat,or COT,The Akond of Swat?When he writes a copy in round-hand size,Does he cross his T's and finish his I'swith a DOT,The Akond of Swat?Can he write a letter concisely clearWithout a speck or a smudge or smearor BLOT,The Akond of Swat?Do his people like him extremely well?Or do they, whenever they can, rebel,or PLOT,At the Akond of Swat?If he catches them then, either old or young,Does he have them chopped in pieces or hung,or shot,The Akond of Swat?Do his people prig in the lanes or park?Or even at times, when days are dark,GAROTTE?O the Akond of Swat!Does he study the wants of his own dominion? Or doesn't he care for public opiniona JOT,The Akond of Swat?To amuse his mind do his people show himPictures, or any one's last new poem,or WHAT,For the Akond of Swat?At night if he suddenly screams and wakes,Do they bring him only a few small cakes,or a LOT,For the Akond of Swat?Does he live on turnips, tea, or tripe?Does he like his shawl to be marked with a stripe,or a DOT,The Akond of Swat?Does he like to lie on his back in a boatLike the lady who lived in that isle remote,SHALLOTT,The Akond of Swat?Is he quiet, or always making a fuss?Is his stewart a Swiss or a Swede or Russ,or a SCOT,The Akond of Swat?Does like to sit by the calm blue wave?Or to sleep and snore in a dark green cave,or a GROTT,The Akond of Swat?