line>NN was a Nut that grewHigh up upon a tree;Papa, who could not reach it, said,‘That's much too high for me!’ОО был Орех, что росНа ветке в вышине;И, не достав, Папа сказал:«Орешек не по мне!»OO was an Owl who flewAll in the dark away,Papa said, ‘What an owl you are!Why don't you fly by day?’ФФ – это Филин, онМелькнул во тьме; о нёмПапа сказал: «Ну вот ещё!Летал бы лучше днём!»PP was a little Pig,Went out to take a walk;Papa he said, ‘If Piggy dead,He'd all turn into Pork!’СС – поросёнок, Свин,Тот, что гулял один;Папа изрёк: «Настанет срок —Свининой станет Свин!»QQ was a Quince that hungUpon a garden tree;Papa he brought it with him home,And ate it with his tea.ГГ – Груша, что рослаНа ветке, на сучку;Папа принёс её домойИ выпил с ней чайку.RR was a Railway RugExtremely large and warm;Papa he wrapped it round his head,In a most dreadful storm.ПП – Плед, дорожный Плед;Папа в него стократГлаву укутывал своюВ метель, грозу и град.SS was Papa's new Stick,Papa's new thumping Stick,To thump extremely wicked boys,Because it was so thick.ТТ – это Трость Папа,Пригодна штука таМальчишек порченых учить —Увесиста, толста.TT was a Tumbler fullOf Punch all hot and good;Papa he drank it up, when inThe middle of a wood.ХХ – это Тодди Хот,Горячий, горячащий;Папа всю чашу вылил в рот,Бредя лесною чащей.UU was a silver Urn,Full of hot scalding water;Papa said, 'If that Urn were mine,I'd give it to my daughter!ЧЧ – это Чайник, онНаполнен кипяточком;Папа сказал: «Будь он моим —Его отдал бы дочкам!»VV was a Villain; onceHe stole a piece of beef.Papa he said, ‘Oh, dreadful man!That Villain is a Thief!’НН был Негодник; онКус мяса как-то спёр.Папа сказал: «О, гнусный тип!Негодник этот – Вор!»WW was a Watch of Gold:It told the time of day,So that Papa knew when to come,And when to go away.ЖЖ – Жёлтые Часы:Они Папа всегдаПодскажут, приходить когдаИ уходить когда.XX was King Xerxes, whomPapa much wished to know;But this he could not do, becauseXerxes died long ago.ЦЦ – Царь персидский Ксеркс;Папа что было силС ним познакомиться хотел,Да Ксеркс давно почил.YY was a Youth, who kickedAnd screamed and cried like mad;Papa he said, ‘Your conduct isAbominably bad!’ЮЮ – некий Юнош, онВопил и всех лягал;Папа сказал: «Ведёшь себяКак редкостный нахал!»ZZ was a Zebra stripedAnd streaked with lines of black;Papa said once, he thought he'd likeA ride upon his back.ЗЗ – Зебра, зверьПолосно-полосат;Папа проехаться верхомНа зебре был бы рад.

From Posthumous Works, Letters & Diary

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Dingle Bank

He lived at Dingle Bank – he did; —    He lived at Dingle Bank;And in his garden was one Quail,    Four tulips, and a Tank;And from his windows he could seeThe otion and the River Dee.His house stood on a Cliff, – it did,    In aspic it was cool;And many thousand little boys    Resorted to his school,Where if of progress they could boastHe gave them heaps of buttered toast.But he grew rabid-wroth, he did,    If they neglected books,And dragged them to adjacent cliffs    With beastly Button Hooks,And there with fatuous glee he threwThem down into the otion
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