any problems around here,” I say to Brody.

“Will do sir,” replies Brody and then the guards open the main entrance to Citrus Oaks and Phil exits Citrus Oaks.

Phil speeds down the open road that leads to the Haven.

“You think Shaun is coming today?” I ask Phil.

Phil smiles and jokes, “Only if Lisa allows him to.”

“I hope Shaun is doing okay at the Haven though,” I say.

“We should see him today, maybe we’ll get to see his tiny room,” replies Phil.

Phil drives for fifteen minutes and we arrive at the Haven. As Phil arrives at the Haven entrance, I see that the Haven looks to have been attacked recently as I see more bullet holes in the brick walls, blood stains on the concrete, and black marks on a wall near the front entrance.

“What happened here?” I ask the Haven front entrance guard.

“We were attacked again,” answers the female Haven front entrance guard.

“Conquerors?” asks Phil.

“We think so, but it was hard to tell who they were,” answers the female Haven front entrance guard.

Phil enters the Haven parking lot and I see a parked car in the Haven parking lot, and it looks to have been blown up.

Phil and I exit from his electric truck and Phil says, “William said to meet him and Bruce in auditorium one.”

I enter the interior hallway of the Haven with Phil and we see two Haven Warriors enter an auditorium.

Phil and I enter the same auditorium that the two Haven Warriors entered, and we see a large group of Haven residents and Warriors.

“Town hall meeting?” jokes Phil to me as we find two seats inside the auditorium.

I look around at the auditorium and see everyone is there. I see Dr. Vargas, Tran, Bruce, Li, and then I see Shaun and Lisa.

William enters the auditorium and two Haven residents close the auditorium doors.

The auditorium is silent as everyone looks at William who is standing in the center of the stage at the front of the auditorium.

“Thank you all for joining me this morning. I wish it was for a better reason… We all know about the Conqueror problem that hasn’t gone away, but today we take a major step towards getting rid of them,” says William.

The seated Haven residents and Warriors give a little cheer at the news that William has decided to go after the Conquerors.

“I have waited too long to retaliate and for that I apologize. I apologize to the families of the people that we have lost and the good people that we could not save,” says William.

“We have a plan and everyone in this auditorium has a part in our plan. Bruce, Li, and Tran know the details and they will discuss with you the specifics and what parts you’ll each play in our plan,” says William.

“What part do we play in this?” I ask Phil.

“I have no idea, we’ll have to meet with one of them, I guess, and see what William wants us to do,” answers Phil.

William finishes his speech with, “We may lose some of you today, but it’s better to go down fighting our enemies then to be attacked like we have been lately. We have a solid plan and if we all do our part then we can win.”

Haven Warriors and parts of the crowd erupt in cheer, but other parts of the crowd aren’t cheering and seem to be afraid for their safety.

Bruce, Li, and Tran gather their people for their parts of the plan, and Phil and I don’t know what to do.

I see William near the stage still and Phil and I walk over to William.

“Should we talk with you?” I ask William.

“Hello Ryan, you and Phillip are with me today,” answers William.

“Look who’s here,” says someone that is standing behind Phil and me.

I turn around and I see Shaun and Lisa.

“Couldn’t miss out on all the fun,” jokes Phil to Shaun.

“I’m going to go lay down,” says Lisa to Shaun and then Lisa exits the auditorium without saying anything to Phil and me.

“She doing okay?” asks Phil to Shaun.

“Yeah, she’s been a little tired is all,” answers Shaun.

Shaun looks at William and asks, “Is it okay if I join you today?”

“But you are with Bruce today Shaun,” answers William.

“Yeah, I know, but I was wondering if I could switch and join you and my boys today,” replies Shaun.

I look at William and William replies to Shaun, “Let me talk with Bruce and we’ll see what we can do.”

William walks over to Bruce and talks with him.

“You losing weight?” I ask Shaun.

Shaun smiles and answers, “Yeah, I’m eating better and working out twice a day now.”

“You mean you’re eating less?” jokes Phil.

“Nice backpack, you going to class?” jokes Shaun to me as he looks at my backpack that’s on my back.

“Funny, no it’s a bag I thought would be better for my medical supplies and it also has a spot for my rifle,” I answer Shaun.

Shaun sees that my rifle is attached to the side of the backpack and he likes my new backpack.

William comes back over to us and says, “Good news. Shaun will be joining us today.”

“Is it okay though?” asks Shaun.

“Yeah, we switched over two people to be with Bruce now,” answers William.

“Where are we going today?” I ask William.

“It will all be explained, but we are glad to have you and Phillip joining us today,” answers William.

Shaun, Phil, and I exit the auditorium and I see Dr. Vargas go into the Medical room at the Haven.

“I’ll meet you guys at the truck, I’m going to talk with Dani before we go,” I say to Phil and Shaun.

Shaun and Phil walk with the others towards the

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