“Good work today, glad we made it out alive,” I say to Phil.
“Me too, we might have to get one of those multi barrel badass guns for here,” I say.
“Where did they get that gun from?” asks Phil.
“Hector told me Javier and I’m not sure we should get anything from them as we’d owe him something for it,” I answer.
“You should have a huge line of credit since you saved him,” replies Phil.
I say goodbye to Phil, and I enter Bobby G’s house. I put my backpack and Ghost mask down and remove some of my gear and then I walk into Bobby G’s kitchen.
I wash my hands in the kitchen sink and my walkie-talkie goes off.
“Ryan are you there Ryan?” asks DK over the walkie.
I dry off my hands and answer into my walkie-talkie, “You seem to have impeccable timing with your calls on here.”
There is an awkward silence over the walkie, but the awkwardness is something that I’m starting to expect when talking with DK over the walkie.
“I hope you weren’t a part of the fighting today,” says DK over the walkie.
“Is it a problem if I was?” I ask into my walkie-talkie.
DK quickly answers over the walkie, “Just make sure you’re careful with who you trust and who you fight for.”
“What does that mean?” I ask into my walkie-talkie.
“Just a heads up that the brother of the guy that is still a prisoner at the Haven won’t stop until he gets his brother back,” says DK over the walkie.
“You sure he wasn’t killed today?” I ask into my walkie-talkie.
Another awkward silence is felt over the walkie.
“Where are you and Jacob?” I ask into my walkie-talkie.
DK still doesn’t answer, and I put down my walkie-talkie and grab a cold drink out of Bobby G’s refrigerator.
“We are nearby, but far enough away that you don’t need to worry about us just yet,” answers DK over the walkie.
“Why are you being so cryptic? Why can’t you just answer my damn questions?” I ask into my walkie-talkie.
“Watch your tone Ryan, remember what I can do to you and your group,” quickly answers DK over the walkie.
I feel a sense of anxiety, but I’m more pissed off and frustrated with DK’s threats.
I’m about to reply to DK, but I take a second and think about what I should do next.
I think to myself, “We don’t need any more problems around here, just appease this guy as we don’t need DK attacking us.”
“I apologize, it’s just been a tough day and then Brad and some other things have been a problem around here,” I say into my walkie-talkie.
“Brad? Did you meet with Brad?” asks DK over the walkie.
I’m kind of taken back that DK asked about Brad and the tone that he asked it with.
“Yeah, it was a brief meeting, but I met with him,” I answer into my walkie-talkie.
“Do you know him?” I ask into my walkie-talkie.
“Just be careful who you are fighting for and against, I’ll be in touch and I may be in your area very soon,” answers DK over the walkie.
I hear DK turn off his walkie-talkie and I place my walkie-talkie on Bobby G’s kitchen counter.
I ask myself, “How does DK know when to call for me over the walkie? Does he just call at random times and get lucky or does he have eyes on me in Bobby G’s house?”
I pick up my radio and call for Phil.
Phil jokingly asks over the radio, “Miss me already?”
“Try and get a hold of the Ghosts. I don’t have to meet with Isiah or Bakari, but I want to meet with Saba or someone that can help me out with some tech stuff,” I answer Phil into my radio.
“What’s going on?” asks Phil over the radio.
“I’m not sure, but I think someone could be watching us,” I answer into my radio.
“I’ll call them shortly and see if we can meet with them. Do you want them to come here or for us to go there?” asks Phil over the radio.
“Whatever they can do,” I answer into my radio.
“I’ll let you know what they say,” replies Phil over the radio.
I say goodbye to Phil over the radio, grab a pen, and start writing in one of my notebooks that are on Bobby G’s kitchen counter.
After writing for about thirty minutes, I feel better about things. Writing in my notebooks and on my laptop actually feels therapeutic for me as it’s a good way to let out everything that I’m feeling and take it out of my mind and body and put it on paper.
I exit Bobby G’s house and enter my house. Lauren meets me as I close our front door and she says, “I was worried about you honey.”
“I’m okay, everything is okay. The trip went fine today,” I reply to Lauren as I place my backpack and katana near our front door.
Milo comes over and smells my backpack.
“Don’t smell that, I have to clean the outside of the bag,” I say to Milo.
Lauren sees blood on the side of my backpack and asks, “Who’s blood is that?”
I look at the blood and answer Lauren, “Probably a couple of Conquerors.”
“What happened on the trip today?” asks Lauren.
I walk into our living room and sit down on the sofa with Lauren.
I look at Lauren and answer, “We went with William and we found Jeremy and a couple wounded Haven Warriors.”
“What happened to them?” asks Lauren.
“I’m not sure, but I guess they fought some Conquerors and zombies,” I answer Lauren.
“Did anyone get hurt or die today?” asks Lauren.
“A couple Haven