3. Develop a desired outcome picture.
There are contexts in your life when you speak fluently.
When do you speak fluently? Re-access a movie of these occasions.
What would your self-image of being fluent in all contexts look, sound and feel like? You already know something about the qualities of the image which created blocking, so those should be absent in your movie of fluency.
You are going to create an enhanced image of the fluent you, by amplifying the positive cues that let you know you are in a good state. As in step 2, adjust the qualities of this image so that you feel even better. One difference is that you are going to see this image dissociated – you can see yourself in it. Create a picture for the new you – the you that would see when you no longer have that blocking behavior.
Do you like this new picture? Do you find it compelling? Attractive?
The fluency image should draw you toward it. Edit the image so that it becomes even more attractive. Add in the qualities of confidence, assertiveness, power, kindness, and so on, so that this picture compels you to move toward it.
4. Link the two representations.
Beginning with the cue picture of the fear of blocking from step 2. Make it big and bright.
Figure 6.4: The Swish Pattern
Into the lower left corner of that picture put a small, dark image of the second picture from step 3. This is the dissociated image of the new you with the qualities of fluency (See Figure 6.4).
You are fully associated in the first picture and dissociated in the second. You do not need to see this second picture in detail; you just need to know it’s there in the lower corner.
5. Swish the pictures.
Now you are going to do two things simultaneously. One is to take the large bright picture of you fearing blocking and quickly make it small and dark. You can do this by sending it off into the far distance, so that it becomes no more than a dot. At the same time, make the small dark image of the fluent you large and bright so that it fills the space vacated by the previous image. Do this very quickly. Remember, the mind learns fast.
As the clinician, you can assist the PWS in swishing the images by making a soft swishing sound as they do it.
Let the picture of the new fluent you for whom blocking is no problem swish in and completely cover the screen of your mind. Juice it up so that it is there in 3-D and coded in the ways that your mind knows is real, compelling, and attractive. You do all of this very quickly, in a fraction of a second.
When you have done that, clear the screen. Either close your eyes and blank out the screen, or open your eyes and look around.
6. Swish five times.
Now, do it again. Go back to the linked pictures and repeat this process. Clear your mental screen after each swish.
Do this procedure at least five times.
7. Test.
The last step is to test that this has worked. Think back to that cue picture that used to set you off and trigger that state of fearing blocking. Notice what happens now as you do that.
As you think about that old trigger, does your mind now immediately go to the new picture of the you for whom fluency is the norm? If so, that means you’re done. You have successfully swished your mind so that it now has the new link. If not, then you need more practice.Variations
There are other ways of exchanging the images.
Make the cue picture of the fear of blocking associated and big and bright right in front of you. (Be in the picture. Do not see yourself, just see the other events as if there.)
Place a small, dark and dissociated picture of the “you” for whom blocking is no problem out on the horizon. (In the resourceful picture, see yourself having the resource.)
Swish the images by zooming the cue picture out to the horizon, making it smaller and darker until it becomes a tiny black dot. At the same time, zoom in the image of fluency, making it bigger and brighter so that it completely fills up the space where the old image was. Make it 3-D and very appealing.
Do this really fast. Repeat five or six times faster and faster and test.
Another way is to imagine putting the desired image out in front of you on a piece of elastic. Imagine a strong elastic band around your head, and the desired image, small and neat, as the pellet in a catapult. Hold that image in the elastic and pull the elastic back (actually use your arm as you imagine doing this). When it is at its farthest reach, when you are ready, suddenly let go so that the new image slams into your forehead. Feel the impact as this image replaces what was there before! “Yes” and “No”
This section is about regaining your power by saying Yes to fluency and No to disfluency. This variation of the Swish Pattern uses verbal swishes. Actually all of the patterns involve saying No to what you don’t want and Yes to what you do want – which in itself is a swishing process. However, no technique works for everyone all the time so your toolbox for change needs several tools.
Congruent “Yes” and “No”
Can you hold a thought in your mind that you don’t believe? Sure you can. I can hold the thought that the sun will come up in