Arching her back as she pushes her breast against my chest. I feel her fingers graze my flesh like a searing rod she grabs at the hem of my shirt pushing it up and over my chest. Breaking from her lips I allow her to pull it off and over my head dropping it to the floor. Placing her small hands around my back she pulls me towards her, kissing down my chest. Not taking my eyes off her as her lips make their way down my body, growing harder and harder at the sight of her perfect lips against my skin.

She takes one of her fingers and draws her nail across the skin just above the waistline of my pants. Oh fuck. I groan, struggling to allow her to continue her tantalizing exploration. Holding back for a moment before the rest of my control slips, unable to take any more. I grab hold of her thighs again, jerking her off the counter as I spin us around, slamming her back against the fridge, shaking it from the force. As I hold her in place with one arm I reach between us to grab her shirt tugging it upward. About to pull it over her breasts I hear the familiar ding of the elevator.

Dropping her shirt just moments before the doors open to Daveon and Ciro as they walk off and into the loft. Stopping as their eyes reach us. A grin stretched wide on Daveon’s face taking in the sight of me, shirtless, holding Liliana up against the fridge. She wiggles around, clearly uncomfortable in this position now with them here and trying to get down. I push my hips into hers, pinning her harder and stopping her from moving.

“What the hell do you two need?”

“We don’t need anything, you called us here remember?” Ciro answers back.

Shit, I forgot I had told them to come over to discuss things earlier.

“And you couldn’t fucking call me first before you came up?”

“Since when do we ever do that?” Daveon asks as he walks farther in plopping down onto my couch. Growing annoyed I finally lower Liliana to the floor, allowing her to compose herself. Turning around grabbing my shirt off the floor as I replied.

“Since now. Now that Liliana will be here you need to give notice before you just walk into the place.” Daveon's mouth drops as he feigns being offended. Pulling my shirt back over my head I grab hold of Liliana's hand leading her into the living room. Pulling her down onto my lap I settle into the couch opposite Daveon.

I notice Liliana's eyes flickering up to Ciro. He is leaning on the edge of the couch with his arms folded, and face hard. He looks intimidating to most people and a complete opposite to Daveon. Where Daveon likes to lure people in with his carefree, joking demeanor not letting people see that behind the mask a monster lays in wait. Ciro is more straightforward he doesn't like to fuck around. What you see is what you get with him. Which is partially the reason he is my main enforcer. People see him and instantly know they made a mistake, that they fucked up.

"So when's the big day?" Daveon looks between the two of us.

Liliana’s lips part unsure what to say. Clearing my throat I answer for her. “Two months.”

“WHAT?” Liliana’s voice raises a few pitches. “How on earth do you plan on putting together a wedding in two months?”

“Simple, we introduce you to the rest of Familia in two days at our engagement party. Then I hire wedding planners and people to get everything set up for us. I can assure you I have the power and authority to get anything done. If I wished to be married to you this week I would make it happen.”

Staring at me for a moment before she responds. “Do I get to have any say in the wedding?” She asks in a thoughtful voice.

“If that is what you want, then yes. I will arrange the planners to get with you on everything, and you can make the final decisions regarding all the details.”

“Thank you.” I can hear the sincerity in her voice at her words. Turning back to Daveon and Ciro I acknowledge them again.

“Head into my office, I will be there shortly, we have a few other things I wish to discuss.” Both nodding as they head back to where my office sits. Not wanting to discuss what I need in front of Liliana in case she takes it the wrong way. “If you would like to get something to eat, change or shower, you are welcome to do as you wish. I have a few things I need to take care of then we can finish getting you settled in.” Lifting her off my lap and setting her beside me, I push up from the couch. Leaving her behind as I make my way to my office.

Closing the door behind me, I take my seat behind the desk. Stepeling my hands together in front of me as I lean back.

“I don’t want word of this to get out until the engagement party when we announce it to everyone. I don’t want to give some of the opposing families a chance to squabble and cause problems about this before I can properly announce it.”

“You know they will still be opposed to it. The fact you are marrying a woman from the Cosa Nostra instead of within our own ranks won’t sit well with some. Some of the older families will be offended.” Ciro speaks out.

“That is why I want to wait until I announce it for anyone to know. They won’t dare oppose me in front of everyone like that. Though they might dislike it, they won't dare speak up after it's been declared to everyone. I can handle them after that, soothe their anger and displeasure.”

“So what do we do before then?” If anyone sees

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