Anika crests a hill and pulls on the reins with a sharp command and stops. She turns to glare at him. Glenn slows and stops before pushing his hat back on his head. His mount stomps the ground, frustrated at the short run.
“That was impressive, I didn’t know you could ride so well.”
“My grandparents insisted on lessons when I was Delaney’s age.” She smooths a nervous hand over her hair and glances away from him. “Well, I’ll just be going.” When she attempts to move Glenn shifts his horse over.
“Where are you headed?”
“I’m trying to enjoy my day off, Mr. Ward, as instructed.”
“Are we back to Mr. Ward? I thought we were friends?” Anika turns away from him and sniffs, struggling to compose herself. In her heart, she hears Delaney's words, and she sighs.
“I need some time to myself, Glenn. Let me be.”
“I can’t do that, Anika. We need to talk this out.”
“Fine, but not until I finish my ride.” Before he knows what’s happening, she kicks her mare into a full run, leaving him laughing behind her.
His horse stomps the ground and snorts in frustration, he’s ready to run. “Give her a head start, Samson, it’s only fair.” Glenn leans down and rubs him soothingly, but soon he is as anxious to ride as Samson.
“Ya!” He shouts and leans down low over his mount. Man, and horse ride as one pounding across the beautiful field. They pass Anika with a whoop of joy. She can’t help but slow to watch him and laugh out loud.
Anika trots along realizing she has been duped. “We never stood a chance, girl. That’s okay, you did a fine job.” She pats her mount, but as she nears the pond her smile fades. Glenn is standing near the water, waiting on her and nerves flutter in her stomach.
“Nice denims,” he teases as his hands wrap around her waist to help her down. Anika hisses out in pain. “Damn, what are you thinking of riding after…”
“I'm fine. I just need a minute. The bastard made me hit a table, and my ribs are sore.” Anika slaps a hand over her mouth when she realizes that she said that in front of him.
Glenn roars with laughter as Anika blushes. “I'm not sorry,” she snaps indignantly and tugs on the reins while she waits for him to stop laughing.
“I called him worse, Anika. If it makes you feel any better, he has been taking something stronger than ale and whiskey. I believe they are calling it Black Death because it is a black liquid.”
“I could smell it,” she whispers, “anyway, I just needed to get out of the house Glenn.” She turns to pat the horse munching on fresh grass beside her.
“Just drop the reins they won’t go too far. They’re well trained.” Anika does as instructed.
“Where did you learn to ride like that?” She asks, pulling the picnic basket from her saddle and flinches as the weight of the basket sends pain through her shoulder.
Glenn is watching when the pain flashes across her face, he gently takes the basket from her. “I was in the Cavalry unit. It was a requirement.” Anika glances up at him in surprise. Saul often spoke of the Cavalry, and the brutality he witnessed gave him nightmares.
“What? Why would you choose that?” She asks.
Glenn laughs a bitter laugh. “Anika we weren’t given a choice, you served where they assigned you. Our family were horse breeders, and if could you break a horse and ride, you were Cavalry.”
“I see,” she murmurs and follows him to the cover of a tree where they could enjoy a picnic.
“You don't see, thankfully, and I pray you never will.” He spreads a blanket from the inside of the basket, and she helps him to straighten it before sitting with him.
Anika rubs her shoulder and arm, distracted by the pain that is beginning to make itself known. “Saul was infantry, he didn’t speak of it, except after a nightmare.”
“I understand. They haunted me for years after I came home, I almost had them beat.”
“Almost?” she asks.
“They returned when Sue died.” Glenn explains and begins pulling out the food, “I’m starved, what did you bring?”
“I didn’t know I would be sharing. Help yourself. I’m not that hungry.” Rolls, chicken, fruit and juice in jars and cookies.
“I think she packed plenty for the both of us. I can show some restraint if I must.”
Anika glances up at his playful tone and accepts a plate from him. “Are you sure about that?” She teases as he stuffs a cookie into his mouth and closes his eyes in ecstasy.
“No. I changed my mind. The cookies are all mine.” Anika can't help but laugh. Glenn smiles at her, happy to see her relax some.
“Tell me about your family, Anika.” He urges.
“Not much to tell. They’re gone now.” She glances at him and sighs. “Mama came to America from Ireland. She was an indentured servant for five years. My father was a banker. They married as soon as she was free to do so. I was their only child.”
“How did the daughter of a banker end up penniless?”
Anika is shocked by his forward question, but not ashamed of her past. “Glenn, I was fourteen years old, when Saul began to court me. My Father was not having it. He said the normal things, I was too young. I didn’t know what I was getting into. When he refused to give us a dowry, I was hurt and angry.” Glancing out over the