Strawberry blonde waves catch the sunlight, and he is sorely tempted to plunge his hands in her hair like his son does. Anika turns to him and smiles. “We were so alike, my Father and I.” A breeze lifts her hair, “I see it now. I see him in Delaney.”
“She is a fiercely loyal and protective little girl. You’ve done an amazing job with her,” Glenn praises.
“I hope so. Delaney will need to be strong to survive in this world. Could we walk, I'm getting sore sitting here?”
“Of course.” Glenn stands, quickly offering her a hand and soon they are strolling in the sunshine near the pond. “What happened with your Father?”
“Saul asked me to marry him, and he convinced me that my Father would come around after we were married.” Anika falls silent remembering her Mother's sobs as her Father refused to see them after the quick ceremony.
“He never forgave me. Mother and I kept in contact through letters. We moved frequently, following the work. Saul worked at the docks in Virginia until the War started. Delaney was a baby when he joined. He served three years.” Her voice fades, and she walks towards a large boulder a few feet away. She sits on it, enjoying the wind blowing around her.
“Three years is a long time. I served two years in the Cavalry.” Glenn looks down at her and can’t help but feel ashamed to stand near her. “I killed so many men like your husband. How can you stand to be around me?”
Anika reaches up to touch him but stops herself. “Did you enjoy it, the killing?” Her question mirrors the pastors.
“No.” Glenn shakes his head no before she even finishes the sentence. “I did what had to be done, to survive. Don’t get me wrong, Anika, I believed in our cause, still do, but I didn’t get a thrill killing from the back of a horse. I would have served until the end of the war if I hadn’t been shot.”
“How did Sue feel about that?” She asks.
“I didn’t care. I was a soldier.” Glenn runs a hand through his hair in frustration at her shocked look. “I should clarify that statement.”
“Sue and I were childhood friends, members of the same church. Her Mother was pushing us to become betrothed, but Sue was more like a sister to me.”
“What happened?” Anika asks softly.
“Her Mother set up a meeting with our families and arranged for us to be found in a compromising situation.”
Surprise rippled across her face. “What?”
“I wasn't stupid, Anika. I knew she had feelings for me, so I avoided her. It was our busy season. Before the war, we had cattle and bred horses. Her Father ordered a horse, and I delivered it, as I do for any client. Sue's mother invited me inside and told me to wait in the library.” Glenn jumps up and starts pacing, anger pushing his steps. His words tumble out, faster and stronger.
“Sue was waiting for me. Apparently, she was in the middle of a dress fitting, minus the dress. She began to cry and threw her arms around me, begging me not to go, and that's when her parents entered the room. Well, you can imagine the rest. I found myself married to a woman I didn't love, with a family I couldn't trust. I was angry. I enlisted as soon as the War started.”
“Glenn I’m so sorry, I had no idea,” Anika is stunned.
“I served for two years and only came home because I was shot.”
Anika leaps up from the boulder. “Where were you shot?” She is stepping towards him without even realizing what she’s doing.
Glenn smiles grimly at her. “It creased my arm, but it could have been much worse. When I came home, it was to a different world. Sue’s Dad had passed away and my parents’ legacy was in ruins. Anything of value was stripped away. Sue had moved in with my parents before I left. I came home to a very sick wife. The stress of the war took its toll on her and to make matters worse, I found out that Sue was born with a heart problem. She was told early on that she would not live a full life.”
“You're saying they knew this before you married.” Anika sits back down in complete shock. “How could they do that to you?” She hisses.
“I was livid, but I promised myself when I survived the War that I would try to make a life for us and be a good husband to Sue.”
“You can’t build a life on lies,” Anika says softly.
“True, but Sue’s health seemed to rebound with my return. I built our house and we started rebuilding the farm. Dad had decided to concentrate on agriculture while I was away. I’d come to love Sue by then. When I found out she was pregnant, I was thrilled.” He smiles at her. “What I didn’t know was that Dr. Parker had told Sue not to risk a pregnancy. It would only cause her heart further strain. You know the rest.”
Anika glances up at him with a new understanding. “I guess we both have a lot of work to do. I seem to attract the wrong kind of men.” She wrings her hands together, “I hope you know that I did nothing to encourage Rhemi.”
Glenn smiles at her and grips her hand gently. “Men like him don't need a reason, Anika. They see a beautiful young woman, unattached and they believe that entitles them to take. He will never touch you again, I promise. No one will ever raise a hand against you again Anika. Not while