“You can’t make promises like that, Glenn.” He frowns when she backs away from him and pulls her hand from his. “The one thing I need for you to understand is that I won’t raise Delaney in a home where she feels threatened. I love your boys, your family and our life here, but …”
“Please, don’t finish that sentence. I apologized to Delaney. Now if you will let me, I would ask your forgiveness. I didn’t mean to scare you or Delaney, surely you know I would never raise a hand to either of you.”
“I know that in my heart,” Anika glances away from him and takes a deep breath. “But Saul made a vow to love and protect me, he broke that vow more times than I care to admit.” Wrapping her arms around herself, she looks back at him. “My heart and my head don’t always agree with each other.”
“Then we will take it one day at a time until I have earned your trust.”
“I’d like that. I could use a friend, Glenn.”
Glenn holds out a hand and sighs with relief when she reaches out and takes his hand. “I can do that.” For now, he thinks. Today proved to him that his heart was falling for her.
Anika smiles when he tugs her in for a quick hug. “I spent some time with the Pastor today. He told me to talk to my family about the war. I didn't realize what a burden I carried. He helped me to see that as humans we can't fathom the depth of love our Father has for us. I carry such guilt, Anika. The same guilt I'm sure Saul carried. The guilt of surviving when so many around us fell. War changed us, and I have to learn to accept the changes.”
“That's wonderful Glen. I've been studying my Bible, and I'm ashamed to admit it, but I forgot that the cross has spoken. Our sins were forgiven before we ever committed them. When Jesus died on the cross for us, his blood broke every shame. That doesn't mean we can sin willfully, it means through faith, when we sin, we only have to ask and accept his mercy.”
Glen grins, “That’s it, exactly.”
She wipes at her tears. “Race you back?” she teases.
“We will take a rain check on that. You are in no condition to race me; besides you don’t stand a chance, woman.”
“You have a lot to learn about me, cowboy. I never give up.”
“I’m counting on it.”
Chapter 25
“The Fall fair is important because we will be able to showcase our livestock, grains, fruits, canned goods, vegetables even handicrafts,” Daisy explains to Delaney over dinner.
“That’s exciting!” Anika exclaims.
“This is the first one since the end of the War. It will be attended by people from all over,” Savannah says.
“Even by certain Horse Breeders, Savannah,” Daisy teases.
Glenn glances at his sister but is more interested in Anika’s response.
Anika smiles and nudges her, “You should make sure to seek him out.”
“He wasn’t interested in me,” Savannah replies and glances at her brother to gauge his reaction.
“Boy must be blind not to notice my daughter,” Allen teases and sips on his coffee.
“It’s odd that he’s coming this far for a state fair. Doesn’t Kentucky have one of their own?” Daisy asks.
Anika glances at Delaney avoiding Glenn’s eyes as she replies. “He said in his letter that he wanted to inspect the livestock.”
“Especially the breed mares,” Glenn snorts.
Everyone falls silent in shock and Anika glares at him. “Glenn!” Daisy snaps.
“Forgive me.” He says biting an apple and chewing it slowly. “I will make sure Dayton sees clearly what is available to him and what isn’t.”
Anika blushes at his bold statement while Savannah grins with approval.
“Will they have games?” Delaney asks, oblivious to the tension in the room.
“Games?” Glenn grins, “Pie eating contests, apple dunking booths, chicken races…”
Delaney giggles and claps her hands. “Chickens can’t race, Mr. Glenn.”
“What? Well, don't tell Chuck that.” Allen teases.
“Chuck’s gonna race?” Delaney’s eyes grow huge.
Anika smothers a laugh, at the look of excitement on her daughter's face. Chuck is her favorite chicken, and she feeds him daily.
“Of course.” Glenn stands up, and Delaney lifts her arms for him to pick her up. “All the love you gave him made him crazy fast.” Delaney wraps a small arm around his neck and cups his clean-shaven face. They have formed a strong bond over the past few weeks. She loves to rub his face, and she giggles, stealing his heart. “He might even win a blue ribbon.”
“A ribbon!” Delaney whips around and stares at her mother. “Mama did you hear that I'm gonna win a blue ribbon!”
Anika laughs and stands up. Her heart trembles at the sight of her daughter sitting trustingly in his arms. She stands and moves closer to her. “I heard, and I'm entering my Gran's pie in the pie tasting contest.”
“We can both get blue ribbons, Mama!” Delaney reaches out and wraps an arm around her shoulder. “Mr. Glenn, what are you entering? You have to win too.”
“I think I’ve already won the best prize, Delaney.” He murmurs softly.
Anika's heart trembles as she thinks of the change in him. The past few weeks they have started studying their Bible together on Sunday evenings. Glenn has taken time to rest and sleep. His appetite has returned, and he has taken to spending time with Delaney. Fall allows them time together, and she has decided to trust Gods plan.
“Did you hear that Daisy? Anika is baking. We will clean up you get started, so we can test taste for you,” Allen orders.
Everyone laughs as Anika walks over to Glenn and plucks Delaney from his arms. “I thought you might say that.