30. St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Sermon on the Annunciation of The Blessed Virgin Mary; French trsl. M. M. Davy, Oeuvres de Saint Bernard.
31. E. Bertholet, La pensee et les secrets du Sar Josephin Peladan, Paris, 1952.
32. Cardinal Louis Billot, Etudes, Paris, 1923.
33. E. H. Du Bois-Reymond, Ueber die Grenzen des Naturerkennens. Diesieben Weltratsel, Leipzig, 1882.
34. St. Bonaventura, Collationes in Hexaemeron.
35.St. Bonaventura, De triplici via.
36. Brhadaranyaka Upanishad; trsl. R. E. Hume, The Thirteen Principal Upanishads, Oxford, 1962.
37. Titus Burckhardt, Sacred Art in East and West; trsl. Lord Northboume, London, 1967.
38. Paul Carton, Diagnostic etconduite des temperaments, Paris, 1961.
39. The Collected Works of St. John of the Cross; trsl. Kavenaugh & O. Rodriguez, London,1966.
40. The Collected Works of C. G. Jung; trsl. R. F. G. Hull„vols. 1 — 20, London. 1958—68. •
41. Henri Corbin, Histoire de la philosophic islamique, Paris, 1964.
42. Corpus Hermeticum; trsl. A. J. Festugiere, Paris, 1954. ;
43. Corpus Hermeticum, book X, A discourse of Hermes Trismegistus. The Key; trsl. Walter Scott,
44. La correspondance inedite de Louis Claude de Saint-Martin; trsl. E. B. Penny, Saint-Martin's Correspondence, Exster, 1863.
45. John Custance, Wisdom, Madness and Folly: the Philosophy of a Lunatic, London, 1951.
46. Edgar Dacque, Leben als Symbol, Munich—Berlin, 1928.
47. J. M. Dechanet, La Voie du silence; trsl. R. X. Hindmarsh, Cristian Yoga, London, 1960.
48. Decourcdie, Traite des symboles, Paris, 1806.
49. Philippe Encausse (Papus), Le Maitre Philippe de Lyon, Paris, 1958.
50. Oliver La Farge, A pictorial History of the American Indian, London, 1962.
51. R. P. Festugiere, O. P., La revelation d'Hermes Trismegiste, Paris, 1950.
52. A. J. E. Fouillee, La philosophic de Platon, 4 vols., Paris, 1888— 89.
53. Etienne Gilson, The Spirit.of Mediaeval Philosophy; trsl. A. H. C. Downes, London, 1950.
54. Joseph von Gorres, Die Christliche Mystik, 5 vols., Regensburg, 1836— 1842.
55. W. К. С. Guthrie, A History of Greek Philosophy, Cambridge, 1959.
56. Alfred Haehl, Vie et paroles du Maitre Philippe, Lyon, 1959.
57. Marc Haven, Le Tarot, Lyons, 1937.
58. Hermetica, trsl. Walter Scott, Oxford, 1924.
59. Hermetis Trismegistis Tractatus vereAureus. De Lapidis philosophic! secreto, cum ScholisDominici Gnosti, Leipzig, 1610.
60. E. F. Holmyard, Alchemy, London, 1957.
61. Victor Hugo, Fonction du poete; front the collection Les rayons et les ombres, Paris, 1928.
62. Victor Hugo, Les mages; from the collection Les contemplations.
63. lamblichus, De mysteriis; trsl. T. Tayler, lamblichus on the Mysteries of the Egyptians, Chaldeans and Assyrians, London, 1968.
64. Is Evolution Proved? A debate between D. Dewar and H. S. Shelton ed. Arnold Lunn,London, 1947.
65. Hargrave Jennings, The Rosicrucians. Their Rites and'Mysteries, London—New York, 1887.
66. St. John of the Cross, The Ascent of Mount Carmel; trsl. D. Lewis, London,1906.
67. St. John of the Cross, The Dark Night of the Soul (Condones del Alma); trsl. G. C. Graham, London, 1922.
68. St. John of the Cross, The Dark Night of the Soul; trsl. D; Lewis, 4th ed., revised, London, 1916.
69. St. John of the Cross, The Living Flame; trsl. feKavenaugh & O. Rodriguez, The Gollected Works of St. John of the Cross, London, 1966.
70. St. John of the Cross, A Spiritual Canticle; trsl. D. Lewis, London, 1906.
71. С. G. Jung, L'homme a h decouverte deson ame; French trsl. by R. Gahen, Geneva, 1944.
72. С. G. Jung, Medicine and Psychotherapy; in The Practice of Psychotherapy; trsl.R.F.C. Hull, London. 1954.
73. C.G. Jung, Psychology and Religion; trsl. R.F.C. Hull, London. 1968.
74. С. G. Jung, The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche; trsl. R. F. C. Hull, The Collected Works of C.G. Jung, 1972.
75. C. G. Jung & C. Kerenyi, Introduction to a Science of Mythology, trsl. R. F.C. Hull, London,1951.
76. J.Maynard Keynes, A Treatise on Probability, London,1921.
77. Soren Kierkegaard, Either/Or, trsl. W. Lowrae, London, 1944.
78. Kore Kosmu; trsl. W. Scott, Hermetica, Oxford, 1924.
79. Hans Leisegang, Die Gnosis, Leipzig, 1924.
80. Eliphas Levi, Dogme et rituel de la haute magie; trsl. A. E. Waite, Transcendental Magic. Its Doctrine and Ritual, London 1968.
81. Eliphas Levi, Le Grande Arcane ou l'occttltisme devoile,Paris, 1921.
82. Eliphas Levi, The Key of the Mysteries; trsl. A. Crowley, London, 1969.
83. The Life of St. Teresa of Avila; trsl. J. M. Cohen, London, 1957.
84. The Little Flowers of St. Francis; trsl. T.Okey.London, 1963.
85. Arthur Ludwich, Anecdota astrologica, Leipzig, 1877.
86. P. Mandonnet, La Canonisation deSt. Thomas d'Aquin, in Melanges Thomistes, 1923.
87. Jean Marques-Riviere, Histoiredes doctrines esoteriques, Paris, 1950.
88. Paul Marteau, Le Tarot de Marseille, Paris, 1949.
89. R. P. Masani, The Religion of the Good Life. Zoroastrianism, London, 1938.
90. J. Maxwell, LeTarot, Paris, 1933.
91. Dr. Etienne May, La medicine, son passe, son present,son avenir, Paris, 1957.
92. Monumenta historica Societatis Jesu, Scripta deSancto Ignatio, Madrid, 1904.
93. Olimpiodorus, In Platonis Phaedonem commentaria/ Commentary on the Phaedo of Plato; ed. W. Norvin, Leipzig, 1913.
94. Fabred'Olivet. L'histoire philosophique du genre humain;trsl. N.L. Redfidd, Hermeneutic Interpretation of the Origin of the Social State of Man and the Destiny of the Adamic