Castle Sarn lay in the middle of a dense elder forest and was reached by a pathway down which the weary Prince in the Scarlet Robe and his weary horse moved. Small animals scampered away from them and a thin rain fell from a brooding sky. No smoke rose here. And when Corum came to the castle he saw that it was no longer burning. Its black stones were cold and the crows and ravens had already picked the corpses clean and gone away in search of other carrion. And then tears came to Corum's eyes for the first time and he dismounted from his dusty horse and clambered over the stones and the bones and sat down and looked about him.

For several hours Prince Corum sat thus (несколько часов принц Корум сидел так/таким образом) until a sound came from his throat (до тех пор, пока /странный/ звук не вырвался из его горла; to come from — приходить, появляться /откуда-либо/). It was a sound he had not heard before (это был звук, /который/ он не слышал раньше; to hear) and he could not name it (он не мог назвать его = не знал, что это такое). It was a thin sound (это был тонкий/слабый звук) that could not express what was within his stunned mind (который не мог выразить /того/, что было в его оглушенном разуме = у него на душе; to stun — оглушать /ударом, грохотом/, ошеломлять). He had never known Prince Opash (он никогда не знал принца Опаша), though his father had spoken of him with great affection (хотя его отец говорил о нем с большой любовью; to speak; affection — привязанность, любовь). He had never known the family and retainers (никогда не знал семью и слуг) who had dwelt in Castle Sarn (что жили в замке Сарн; to dwell). But he wept for them (но он оплакивал их; to weep — плакать, рыдать, оплакивать) until at length (до тех пор пока, наконец), exhausted (изможденный), he stretched out upon the broken slab of stone (не растянулся на бугристой каменной плите; broken — разбитый, сломанный; неровный; to break-broke- broken) and fell into a gloomy slumber (и погрузился в печальное забытье; to fall into — падать, впадать /в какое-либо состояние/; slumber — сон, дремота, забытье).

thus [DAs] length [leNT] exhausted [Ig`zLstId]

For several hours Prince Corum sat thus until a sound came from his throat. It was a sound he had not heard before and he could not name it. It was a thin sound that could not express what was within his stunned mind. He had never known Prince Opash, though his father had spoken of him with great affection. He had never known the family and retainers who had dwelt in Castle Sarn. But he wept for them until at length, exhausted, he stretched out upon the broken slab of stone and fell into a gloomy slumber.

The rain continued to fall on Corum's scarlet coat (дождь продолжал падать на алый плащ Корума). It fell on the ruins (он падал на руины) and it washed the bones (он омывал кости). The red horse sought the shelter of the elder trees (рыжий конь отыскал убежище под кустами бузины; to seek — искать, разыскивать; elder tree — бузина /род кустарников, небольших деревьев/) and lay down (и лег /там/; to lie down). For a while it chewed the grass (некоторое время он жевал траву) and watched its prone master (и наблюдал за своим лежащим хозяином; prone — /лежащий/ ничком, распростертый). Then it, too, slept (потом он тоже уснул; to sleep).

When he eventually awoke (когда он /Корум/ наконец проснулся; eventually — в конечном итоге, в итоге, со временем; to awake — будить, просыпаться; пробуждать /интерес и т. д. /) and clambered back over the ruins (и пробрался/перелез через руины) to where his horse still lay (/туда/, где его конь по-прежнему лежал), Corum's mind was incapable of speculation (разум Корума был неспособен размышлять; speculation — размышление, предположение). He knew now that this destruction must be Mabden work (он знал теперь, что это разрушение /замка/ — /должно быть/ дело рук мабденов; work — работа, занятие; поступок), for it was not the custom of the Nhadragh (так как не было обычаем надрагов) to burn the castles of their enemies (сжигать замки своих врагов). Besides (кроме того), the Nhadragh and the Vadhagh had been at peace for centuries (надраги и вадаги находятся в состоянии мира /уже/ несколько столетий). Both had forgotten how to make war (обе /расы/ забыли, как = что значит воевать; to forget; to make war — воевать, начинать войну).

eventually [I`venCu (q) lI] incapable [In`keIpqbl] century [`senCqrI]

The rain continued to fall on Corum's scarlet coat. It fell on the ruins and it washed the bones. The red horse sought the shelter of the elder trees and lay down. For a while it chewed the grass and watched its prone master. Then it, too, slept.

When he eventually awoke and clambered back over the ruins to where his horse still lay, Corum's mind was incapable of speculation. He knew now that this destruction must be Mabden work, for it was not the custom of the Nhadragh to burn the castles of their enemies. Besides, the Nhadragh and the Vadhagh had been at peace for centuries. Both had forgotten how to make war.

It had occurred to Corum (Коруму пришло в голову; to occur to — приходить на ум /о мыслях, идеях и т. д. /) that the Mabden might have been inspired to their destruction (что мабдены могли быть побуждены = могли действовать; to inspire — внушать, вселять /чувство/; побуждать, влиять) by the Nhadragh (/по наущению/ надрагов), but even this was unlikely (но даже это было неправдоподобно/маловероятно; likely — вероятно, возможно). There was an ancient code of war (существовал древний кодекс войны; code — кодекс, свод законов), which both races had, no matter how fierce the fighting (который обе расы, не важно, сколь яростной /была/ битва), always adhered (всегда соблюдали; to adhere — твердо держаться, придерживаться /принципов и т. д. /). And with the decline in their numbers (из-за снижения численности /населения/; decline — падение, упадок; ухудшение), there had been no need for the Nhadragh (надрагам не было необходимости) to expand their territories (расширять свои земли; to expand — расширять/ся/, увеличивать/ся/ в объеме, размерах) or for the Vadhagh to defend theirs (а вадагам — защищать свои).

ancient [`eInS (q) nt] fierce [fIqs] adhered [qd`hIqd] decline [dI`klaIn]

It had occurred to Corum that the Mabden might have been inspired to their destruction by the Nhadragh, but even this was unlikely. There was an ancient code of war, which both races had, no matter how fierce the fighting, always adhered. And with the decline in their numbers, there had been no need for the Nhadragh to expand their territories or for the Vadhagh to defend theirs.

His face thin with weariness and strain (с лицом, худым от усталости и напряжения), coated with dust (покрытым пылью; to coat — одевать, покрывать) and streaked with tears (и испещренным полосками от /пролитых/ слез; to streak — проводить полосы, испещрять полосами), Prince Corum aroused his horse and mounted him (Корум разбудил коня и сел на него), riding on towards the North (поскакал на север), where Castle Gal lay (/туда/, где замок Гал находился). He hoped a little (он надеялся немного). He hoped that the Mabden herds moved only in the South and East (надеялся, что стада мабденов движутся только на юг и восток), that the North would still be free of their encroachments (что север будет все еще свободен от их вторжения; encroachment — вторжение, посягательство), as the West was (так же, как и запад).

A day later (день спустя), as he stopped to water his horse at a small lake (когда он остановился, чтобы напоить коня, у небольшого озера), he looked across the gorse moor (он посмотрел через поросшее вереском болото; gorse — утесник обыкновенный, дрок; moor — участок, поросший вереском; торфянистая местность) and saw more smoke curling (и снова увидел вьющийся дымок; to curl — виться, клубиться). He took out his map and consulted it (достал карту и

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