сверился с ней; to take out). No castle was marked there (никакого замка там не было отмечено; to mark — ставить знак, метку, обозначать).

weariness [`wI (q) rInIs] encroachment [In`krquCmqnt] moor [muq]

His face thin with weariness and strain, coated with dust and streaked with tears, Prince Corum aroused his horse and mounted him, riding on towards the North, where Castle Gal lay. He hoped a little. He hoped that the Mabden herds moved only in the South and East, that the North would still be free of their encroachments, as the West was.

A day later, as he stopped to water his horse at a small lake, he looked across the gorse moor and saw more smoke curling. He took out his map and consulted it. No castle was marked there.

He hesitated (он колебался). Was the smoke coming from another Mabden camp (/а не/ исходил ли дым от еще одной мабденской стоянки; camp — лагерь, стоянка; стан, поселение)? If so, they might have Vadhagh prisoners (если так, у них могли быть пленные вадаги) whom Corum should attempt to rescue (которых Корум должен попытаться спасти; to rescue — спасать, избавлять). He decided to ride towards the source of the smoke (он решил скакать к источнику дыма).

The smoke came from several sources (дым исходил от нескольких источников). This was, indeed, a Mabden camp (это действительно была мабденская стоянка), but it was a permanent camp (но это было постоянное поселение), — not unlike the smaller settlements of the Nhadragh (весьма похожее: «не непохожее» на мелкие поселения надрагов; settlement — поселение, колония, небольшой поселок), though much cruder (хотя /и/ значительно хуже спланированное; crude — грубый, необработанный; непродуманный /о планах, мыслях и т. д. /). A collection of stone huts (/поселение представляло собой/ скопление каменных хижин; collection — накопление, сбор; коллекция, скопление; hut — лачуга, хибара, хижина) built close to the ground (построенных близко к земле; to build), with thatched roofs (c соломенными/тростниковыми крышами) and chimneys of slate (и дымовыми трубами из сланца) from which the smoke came (через которые дым выходил /наружу/).

Around this camp were fields (вокруг этого поселения были поля) that had evidently contained crops (которые, очевидно, /ранее/ содержали злаки = где выращивались злаки), though there were no crops now (хотя сейчас там не было никаких /зерновых/ культур), and others which had a few cows grazing in them (и другие /поля/, на которых паслось несколько коров; to graze — пасти/сь/, держать на подножном корму).

hesitated [`hezIteItId] rescue [`reskjH] source [sLs] permanent [`pq: mqnqnt] chimney [`CImnI] evidently [`evId (q) ntlI]

He hesitated. Was the smoke coming from another Mabden camp? If so, they might have Vadhagh prisoners whom Corum should attempt to rescue. He decided to ride towards the source of the smoke.

The smoke came from several sources. This was, indeed, a Mabden camp, but it was a permanent camp, — not unlike the smaller settlements of the Nhadragh, though much cruder. A collection of stone huts built close to the ground, with thatched roofs and chimneys of slate from which the smoke came.

Around this camp were fields that had evidently contained crops, though there were no crops now, and others which had a few cows grazing in them.

For some reason Corum did not feel wary of this camp (по какой-то причине Корум не чувствовал опасности, /исходившей/ от этого поселения; wary — осторожный, опасливый) as he had felt wary of the Mabden caravan (как он чувствовал опасность, /исходившую/ от мабденского каравана), but he none the less approached it cautiously (но он, тем не менее, приближался к селению осторожно), stopping his horse a hundred yards away (остановив коня в сотне ярдов /от хижин/; away — означает отдаленность от конкретного места) and studying the camp for signs of life (и наблюдая, /есть ли/ в поселке признаки жизни; to study — исследовать, изучать, учиться). He waited an hour and saw none (он прождал час, но не увидел ни одного /человека/). He moved his horse in closer (он подвел коня ближе; to move in — въезжать /в квартиру/, входить; приближаться) until he was less than fifty yards away (пока не оказался менее, чем в пятидесяти ярдах) from the nearest single-storey building (от ближайшего одноэтажного здания).

Still no Mabden emerged from any of the low doorways (по-прежнему никакие мабдены = никто не вышел ни из одной из низких дверей; to emerge — появляться, выходить из; doorway — дверной проем, вход).

reason [`rJzn] wary [`weqrI] cautiously [`kLSqslI] hour [`auq] storey [`stLrI]

For some reason Corum did not feel wary of this camp as he had felt wary of the Mabden caravan, but he none the less approached it cautiously, stopping his horse a hundred yards away and studying the camp for signs of life. He waited an hour and saw none. He moved his horse in closer until he was less than fifty yards away from the nearest single-storey building.

Still no Mabden emerged from any of the low doorways.

Corum cleared his throat (Корум откашлялся: «прочистил горло»).

A child began to scream (ребенок начал кричать; to scream — пронзительно кричать, визжать) and the scream was muffled suddenly (но крик был /кем-то/ резко заглушен; to muffle — глушить /звук/; закутывать; suddenly — вдруг, внезапно).

`Mabden! Corum called (крикнул Корум; to call — звать, называть; окликать, выкрикивать), and his voice was husky with weariness and sorrow (его голос был хриплым от усталости и горя; husky — сухой, охрипший, сиплый). `I would speak with you (я хотел бы поговорить с вами). Why do you not come out of your dens (почему бы вам не выйти из своих нор; den — берлога, логово, нора; притон)?

From the nearby hovel a voice replied (из ближайшей лачуги голос ответил; to reply). The voice was a mixture of fear and anger (этот голос был смесью = в нем смешались страха и гнев).

`We have done no harm to the Shefanhow (мы не причиняли никакого вреда шефанхау). They have done no harm to us (они не причиняли вреда нам). But if we speak to you (но если мы поговорим с тобой) the Denledhyssi will come back (денледисси вернутся; to come back — возвращаться; всплывать в памяти) and take more of our food (и снова отберут нашу еду; more — еще, больше, вторично), kill more of our menfolk (убьют /еще/ больше наших мужчин), rape more of our women (изнасилуют /еще/ больше наших женщин). Go away, Shefanhow Lord (уходи, господин шефанхау), we beg you (умоляем тебя; to beg — просить, умолять). We have put the food in the sack by the door (мы положили еду в мешок, /что стоит/ у двери; sack — мешок, куль). Take it and leave us (возьми ее и оставь нас = уезжай).

weariness [`wI (q) rInIs] hovel [`hOv (q) l] mixture [`mIksCq] harm [hRm]

Corum cleared his throat.

A child began to scream and the scream was muffled suddenly.

`Mabden! Corum called, and his voice was husky with weariness and sorrow. `I would speak with you. Why do you not come out of your dens?

From the nearby hovel a voice replied. The voice was a mixture of fear and anger.

`We have done no harm to the Shefanhow. They have done no harm to us. But if we speak to you the

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