agony had left their marks (страх и страдания оставили свои отпечатки/следы; to leave). The face was lined and hard (лицо было испещрено морщинами и сурово) and the set of the mouth grim (губы жестоко искривились; set — положение, позиция частей тела; осанка; grim — жестокий, беспощадный; мрачный). One eye of gold and purple stared bleakly back at him (единственный золотисто-фиолетовый глаз смотрел мрачно на него). The other socket was an ugly hole made up of red, stained tissue (другая глазница представляла собой уродливую яму, состоявшую из красной, пятнистой ткани; socket — впадина, углубление; розетка; hole — дыра, отверстие; воронка; stained — в пятнах; окрашенный). There was a small scar on his left cheek and another on his neck (один маленький шрам был на его левой щеке, а другой — на шее). The face was still characteristically a Vadhagh face (лицо по-прежнему было типичным лицом вадага), but it had suffered abuse never suffered by a Vadhagh before (но оно перенесло /такое/ страдание, /которое/ никогда не знал /ни один/ вадаг раньше; to suffer — страдать, испытывать, подвергнуться; abuse — плохое, жестокое обращение; избиение). From the face of an angel it had been transformed by Glandyth's knives and irons into the face of a demon (из лика ангела оно было превращено ножами Гландита и /раскаленным/ железом в лицо демона).

tissue [`tISH] abuse [q`bjHs] angel [`eInG (q) l] demon [`dJmqn]

She looked at him frankly.

`Yes, she said. `You were handsome.

Then she gave him the mirror.

The face he saw was framed by the same light golden hair, but it was no longer youthful. Fear and agony had left their marks. The face was lined and hard and the set of the mouth grim. One eye of gold and purple stared bleakly back at him. The other socket was an ugly hole made up of red, stained tissue. There was a small scar on his left cheek and another on his neck. The face was still characteristically a Vadhagh face, but it had suffered abuse never suffered by a Vadhagh before. From the face of an angel it had been transformed by Glandyth's knives and irons into the face of a demon.

Silently, Corum gave her back the mirror (молча, Корум отдал ей назад = вернул зеркало).

He passed his good hand over the scars of his face and he brooded (он провел здоровой рукой по шрамам своего лица и сказал грустно; to brood — грустно размышлять).

`If I was handsome, I am ugly now (если я /и/ был красив, /то/ я уродлив теперь).

She shrugged (она пожала плечами).

`I have seen much worse (я видела намного хуже).

Then the rage began to fill him again (затем = и тут ярость начала наполнять его снова) and his eye blazed and he shook the stump of his hand and he shouted at her (его глаз сверкнул и он затряс обрубком руки и крикнул на нее /Ралину/).

silently [`saIlqntlI] scar [skR] shouted [`SautId]

Silently, Corum gave her back the mirror.

He passed his good hand over the scars of his face and he brooded.

`If I was handsome, I am ugly now.

She shrugged.

`I have seen much worse.

Then the rage began to fill him again and his eye blazed and he shook the stump of his hand and he shouted at her.

`Aye, and you will see much worse when I have done with Glandyth-a-Krae (да, и ты увидишь гораздо хуже = уродливее, когда я разделаюсь с Гландитом-а-Краэ)!

Surprised, she recoiled from him and then regained her composure (пораженная, она отпрянула от него, но затем вновь вернула свое самообладание = взяла себя в руки; to recoil — отскочить, отшатнуться).

`If you did not know you were handsome (если ты не знал, что красив), if you were not vain (если ты не был тщеславен), then why has this affected you so much (тогда почему это = шрамы подействовали на тебя так сильно)?

`I need my hands and my eyes so that I may kill Glandyth and watch him perish (мне нужны мои руки и глаза, чтобы я мог убить Гландита и смотреть, как он умрет). With only half of these, I lose half the pleasure (лишь с половиной из них = с одной рукой и с одним глазом я потеряю половину радости/удовольствия)!

`That is a childish statement, Prince Corum (это несерьезное утверждение, принц Корум; childish — детский, ребяческий). It is not worthy of a Vadhagh (оно недостойно вадага). What else has this Glandyth done (что еще этот Гландит сделал /тебе/)?

composure [kqm`pquZq] pleasure [`pleZq] worthy [`wq: DI]

`Aye, and you will see much worse when I have done with Glandyth-a-Krae!

Surprised, she recoiled from him and then regained her composure.

`If you did not know you were handsome, if you were not vain, then why has this affected you so much?

`I need my hands and my eyes so that I may kill Glandyth and watch him perish. With only half of these, I lose half the pleasure!

`That is a childish statement, Prince Corum. It is not worthy of a Vadhagh. What else has this Glandyth done?

Corum realised that he had not told her (Корум понял, что он не рассказал ей /того/), that she would not know, living in this remote place (чего она не знала, живя в этом отдаленном месте), as cut off from the world as any Vadhagh had been (так же отрезанная от мира, как и любой вадаг жил /когда-то/).

`He has slain all the Vadhagh (он убил всех вадагов; to slay), he said. `Glandyth has destroyed my race and would have destroyed me (уничтожил мой народ и уничтожил бы меня) if it had not been for your friend, the Giant of Laahr (если бы не твой друг, Великан из Лаара).

`He has done what (он сделал что) … Her voice was faint (ее голос был слабым). She was plainly shocked (она явно была потрясена).

`He has put all my folk to death (он убил всех моих родных; to put to death — лишить жизни, казнить, убить; death — смерть).

`For what reason (но зачем: «по какой причине»)? Have you been warring with this Glandyth (вы воевали с этим Гландитом)?

realised [`rIqlaIzd] death [deT] reason [rJzn]

Corum realised that he had not told her, that she would not know, living in this remote place, as cut off from the world as any Vadhagh had been.

`He has slain all the Vadhagh, he said. `Glandyth has destroyed my race and would have destroyed me if it had not been for your friend, the Giant of Laahr.

`He has done what… Her voice was faint. She was plainly shocked.

`He has put all my folk to death.

`For what reason? Have you been warring with this Glandyth?

`We did not know of his existence (мы /даже/ не знали о его существовании). It did not occur to us to

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